1 crab
fresh, about 600 g in weight
1 kg coarse salt
1¼ tsp five-spice powder
600 ml water
Rinse the crab under cold running water and pat dry with kitchen paper.
将发酵桶预加热 热风+清蒸 到 200°C
In a bowl, mix the salt and five-spice powder together and add the water. Place a quarter of the seasoned salt on a tray lined with baking paper and spread flat as big as the crab. Lay the crab, belly-side up, on top of the salt, cover with the rest of the seasoned salt and press down lightly.
Put the baking tray into the preheated cooking space. Cook.
在 热风+清蒸 期间为 200 20 分钟°C
Gently remove the crab from the salt using tongs. Brush off the excess salt, remove the crab’s shell and cut the crab into two. Place on a plate and serve.
V-ZUG 瑞族