Ad hoc announcements & media releases



Zug, 6 March 2025


Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR


The Board of Directors proposes a distribution of CHF 0.90 per share for the first time since going public

In the 2024 reporting year, the V-ZUG Group achieved net sales of CHF 591.7 million (previous year: CHF 585.4 million; + 1.1 %, currency adjusted + 1.5 %). Thanks to V-ZUG’s differentiation strategy, sales volumes increased again in most markets. The operating result (EBIT) amounted to CHF 25.3 million, 50.8 % above previous year (CHF 16.8 million). The EBIT margin increased to 4.3 % (previous year: 2.9 %). Despite high investments in the site transformation, the cash flow from operating and investing activities was a remarkable CHF 1.8 million (previous year: CHF 18.2 million). In view of the improved operating performance, the positive cash flow and the solid balance sheet, the Board of Directors will propose to the shareholders at the AGM an ordinary dividend as well as a withholding tax-free distribution from capital reserves, each amounting to CHF 0.45 per share; this totals CHF 0.90 per share. In 2025, V-ZUG expects sales and profitability to continue to improve. V-ZUG remains committed to its medium-term targets, including a sales growth of 3 % p.a. and an EBIT-margin of 10-13 %.


Positive development in den Swiss market and International’s own-brand business

In the 2024 reporting year, V-ZUG generated net sales of CHF 591.7 million (previous year: CHF 585.4 million). The Swiss market showed a positive development following several turbulent years.  Net sales increased by 3.2 % to CHF 496.8 million (previous year: CHF 481.4 million). Renovations and replacement of appliances developed positively, while new constructions remained rather subdued. In the 2024 reporting year, V-ZUG launched several differentiated products and optimised its sales process, resulting in stronger growth compared to the overall Swiss household appliances market. Despite the positive development in the own-brand business (+15.8 %), net sales in the International Market decreased by 8.8 % overall. Net sales increased significantly in the Asia/Australia markets, but only marginally in Europe. Deliveries to V-ZUG’s OEM partner in North America fell significantly behind 2023 due to their inventory reductions. International Markets accounted for 16.0 % of total net sales in the reporting period, slightly higher than at the end of the first half of 2024 (15.3 %). V-ZUG further expanded its presence in international metropolitan areas and opened new studios in Hamburg, Berlin, Milan and Sydney.


The operating result (EBIT) increased by 50.8 % to CHF 25.3 million (previous year: CHF 16.8 million). The EBIT margin increased to 4.3 % (previous year: 2.9 %). It amounted to 5.4 % in the second half of 2024. The improvement was achieved due to improved gross margin and strict cost control. V-ZUG continuously optimises internal processes as part of the initiative «Simplify V-ZUG» to remain competitive in a rapidly changing environment The Group net result rose by 83.2 % to CHF 21.4 million (previous year: CHF 11.7 million).


Cash flow from operating activities was CHF 58.0 million in the reporting year (previous year: CHF 80.5 million). It primarily decreased because the receivables from deliveries and services, which had significantly declined in the previous year, remained stable in the reporting year. At the same time, the inventory was further optimised, as in the previous year. Despite high investments in the site transformation, the cash flow after investing was a remarkable CHF 1.8 million (previous year: CHF 18.2 million). Thanks to the positive free cash flow, no third-party financing was necessary in the reporting year.


The balance sheet of the V-ZUG Group as of 31 December 2024 continues to be very solid with an equity ratio of 76.4 % (previous year: 74.9 %) as well as cash and cash equivalents of CHF 83.5 million (previous year: CHF 81.0 million). As of 31 December 2024, V-ZUG employed a total of 2,086 employees (31 December 2023: 2,066), including 93 apprentices.


Investments in the Swiss industrial sector

The construction of the new “Zephyr Ost” production building was completed in the first quarter of 2024. This marks the completion of all buildings required for production. In 2024, numerous production-related facilities and workplaces were moved to the «Zephyr Ost» building. The move will be completed with the transfer of the last assembly line in the first half of 2025. With the completion of “Zephyr Ost”, V-ZUG has invested over CHF 300 million in the Swiss industrial landscape over the last eight years. The modern infrastructure enables efficient production and enduring attractive employment opportunities in Switzerland. The preliminary project for the new office building “Zephyr West” began during the reporting year; this building marks the final step in the transformation of the Zug site.


Commitment to sustainability: our path

Decarbonisation was further advanced. V-ZUG reduced direct emissions by 5.4 % in the reporting year. V-ZUG has been producing carbon-neutrally in Switzerland, including compensation, since 2020.


V-ZUG is making progress along the path from the recycling economy to the circular economy. The circular pilot factory, where used devices are refurbished or dismantled, was further developed in the reporting year and its scaling has started. Our “Product as a Service” business model was expanded and is now available for the entire product range (kitchen and laundry). This involves providing appliances for use rather than selling them. V-ZUG remains responsible throughout the entire life cycle.


Proposal for a dividend and a distribution from capital reserves

In view of the improved operating performance, the positive cash flow and the solid balance sheet, the Board of Directors will propose to the shareholders at the AGM an ordinary dividend as well as a withholding tax-free distribution from capital reserves each amounting to CHF 0.45 per share; this totals CHF 0.90 per share. This would be the first distribution since the public listing in 2020 and after significant investments at the Zug and Sulgen production sites.


2025 outlook

Global uncertainties remain, but inflation has stabilised with declining interest rates. V-ZUG expects that consumer confidence will continue to recover. The real estate industry in Switzerland could be revitalised to some extent. The demand for energy-efficient products is supported by increasing environmental awareness. V-ZUG is optimally positioned to further increase market share. The focus is on the continuous development and platformisation of the product portfolio, further increasing customer satisfaction through value-added services, and ongoing internationalisation. In 2025, V-ZUG expects sales and profitability to continue to improve. V-ZUG remains committed to its medium-term targets, including a sales growth of 3 % p.a. and an EBIT-margin of 10-13 %.


Key Figures

in CHF million








Net sales



+ 1.1 %

Currency adjusted



+ 1.5 %




+14.3 %

EBITDA in % of net sales

9.4 %

8.3 %

+110 bp

Operating result (EBIT)



+ 50.8 %

EBIT in % of net sales

4.3 %

2.9 %

+140 bp

Group net result



+ 83.2 %

Group net result in % of net sales

3.6 %

2.0 %

+160 bp

Cash flow from operating and investing activities



- 90.1 %

Cash and cash equivalents (including securities)



+ 3.1 %

Total assets



+2.7 %

Shareholders’ equity



+4.8 %

Equity in % of the balance sheet total

76.4 %

74.9 %

+150 bp

Number of employees (FTE) as of 31 December



+ 1.0 %






Household Appliances




Net sales



+ 1.1 %





Operating result (EBIT)



+ 67.1 %

in % of net sales

3.5 %

2.1 %

+ 140 bp

Real Estate




Operating result (EBIT)



+ 4.8 %


Further information

Adrian IneichenGabriele Weiher
CFOHead of Investor and Media Relations
Tel.: +41 58 767 60 03Tel.: +41 58 767 86 19


This ad hoc announcement is available at and the 2024 Annual Report at

Key dates

8 April 2025Annual General Meeting
23 July 2025 Publication of the half-year results 2025

About the V-ZUG Group

“Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen.”

V-ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for over 110 years and offers a comprehensive service in all its markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand servicing and the retail of household appliances, is also part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,100 people.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this ad hoc announcement/media/investor release are based on assumptions. Actual results may deviate from these assumptions. This ad hoc announcement is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement, which is available at


Zug, 10 December 2024


Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR


Change in management

Peter Spirig will leave the company after five years as CEO of the V-ZUG Group in the second quarter of 2025 after completion and communication of the 2024 annual results. His successor, Christoph Kilian, will take over on 1 April 2025 following an orderly handover and will continue to develop the business strategy of the V-ZUG Group and drive profitable growth in Switzerland and abroad. 

The Board of Directors of the V-ZUG Group would like to thank Peter Spirig for his achievements and outstanding commitment. Under his leadership, the V-ZUG Group has made significant progress, including the successful spin-off from the Metall Zug Group and the establishment of V-ZUG Holding AG as an independent, publicly listed company. The comprehensive, successful site transformation in Zug and the international positioning of the V-ZUG brand in all markets were further milestones in recent years.

Christoph Kilian has been a member of the Board of Management of Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH since 1 January 2023. He is responsible for three global business units and the UX and Design departments. He was also responsible for the group’s global power tools accessories business from 2019 to 2023. After graduating from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich with a degree in Business Administration and completing a stint at the Bain & Company management consulting firm, he worked at BSH Hausgeräte GmbH in Germany and abroad from 2000 to 2019. His roles included various management positions with responsibility for global product groups, strategy and branding. In Christoph Kilian, the V-ZUG Group is delighted to have gained a leader with international pedigree – not to mention experience in Switzerland as well.

V-ZUG confirms the guidance published with the half-year results for 2024 and expects higher net sales and improved profitability for the full year 2024 compared to 2023 – both in absolute terms and relative to sales. V-ZUG remains committed to its medium-term targets due to investments in market positioning and development, production, and ongoing innovation and efficiency improvement projects.


Further information

Gabriele Weiher
Head of Investor and Media Relations
Tel.: +41 58 767 60 03

This ad hoc announcement is available at

Key dates

6 March 2025Publication of the 2024 full-year results
8 April 2025Annual General Meeting
23 July 2025Publication of the 2025 mid-year results

About the V-ZUG Group

“Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen.”

V-ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for over 110 years and offers a comprehensive service in all its markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand servicing and the retail of household appliances, is also part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,100 people.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this ad hoc announcement/media/investor release are based on assumptions. Actual results may deviate from these assumptions. This ad hoc announcement is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement, which is available at

Zug, 19 July 2024


Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR


Positive development in own-brand business, destocking at OEM partner

In the first half of 2024, the V-ZUG Group achieved net sales of CHF 284.1 million, 4.7 % below the previous year (CHF 298.2 million). The currency-adjusted change amounted to – 4.2 %. In most markets, sales volumes increased again; only in North America (OEM partner) and in Germany, sales volumes decreased compared to the previous year. The operating result (EBIT) amounted to CHF 8.8 million, which is significantly higher than the previous year (CHF 5.1 million). The EBIT margin increased to 3.1 % (previous year: 1.7 %). Order intake in Switzerland improved noticeably in the first half of 2024. V-ZUG expects that overall volume, net sales and results will improve further in the second half of the year. V-ZUG continues to be committed to its medium-term targets through investments in market development and positioning, production as well as ongoing projects to increase innovation and efficiency.


In the first half of the year, net sales of the V-ZUG Group amounted to CHF 284.1 million (previous year: CHF 298.2 million; - 4.7 %, currency adjusted - 4.2 %). Over the past six months, sales dynamics were positive again in most markets, except for the USA and in Germany. In the Swiss domestic market, net sales increased slightly (CHF 240.5 million, + 1.3 %) compared to the previous year, even though the previous year had benefited from clearing order backlogs racked up in 2022. Renovation business improved, whereas replacement business remained stable at a good level. New construction business continued to be sluggish. The overall decline is mainly attributable to the lower sales volume of an OEM partner in North America, who had built up an above-average level of inventory due to changes in the product range in the first half of 2023, which is now being reduced. Net sales of own brand products in International Markets increased by 18.5 % to CHF 39.3 million (previous year: CHF 33.1 million) and, when including the OEM products, declined overall to CHF 43.6 million (previous year: CHF 60.8 million). In the reporting period, the share of the international markets amounted to 15.3 % of total net sales.

Higher operating result thanks to gross profit margin and cost reductions

The operating result (EBIT) amounted to CHF 8.8 million, which is higher than the previous year (CHF 5.1 million). The EBIT margin rose to 3.1 % (previous year: 1.7 %). The gross profit margin increased by a further 2.5 percentage points, mainly due to the improved utilization of production capacities, lower quality costs and because purchases on spot-buy markets could be completely avoided, unlike in the first two months of the previous year. Besides the improved gross profit margin, various short- and medium-term cost reductions as part of the “Simplify V-ZUG” initiative as well as profit participation from the pension fund in the amount of CHF 1.8 million contributed to increasing the operating result. The Group net result doubled to CHF 8.7 million (previous year: CHF 4.3 million).


In the first half of the year, cash flow from operating activities amounted to CHF - 10.8 million (previous year: CHF 17.9 million). This deviation is primarily due to changes in trade receivables based on increasing business in the second quarter of 2024. As a result of the continued high investments in the site transformation, cash flow from investment activities amounted to CHF - 25.3 million (previous year: CHF - 25.4 million). Free cash flow amounted to CHF - 36.2 million (previous year: CHF - 7.5 million).


The balance sheet of the V-ZUG Group as of 30 June 2024 is solid with an equity ratio of 76.4 % (30 June 2023: 75.4 %). Cash and cash equivalents including securities amount to CHF 45.5 million (30 June 2023: CHF 56.4 million). V-ZUG continued to finance the high investment activities itself, without raising external funds. As of 30 June 2024, V-ZUG employed a total of 2,085 people (30 June 2023: 2,114).


Higher order intake in the Swiss market 

The Swiss market recovered in the first half of 2024. Net sales amounted to CHF 240.5 million (previous year: CHF 237.4 million). A consistently better order intake was observed in the first half of 2024, and the measures to increase sales proved effective. For instance, the new “Adora” dishwasher had a good start in terms of sales. In addition, the revised cooling portfolio – premium cooling appliances manufactured in Switzerland – is very well received by partners and end customers. The higher order intake, coupled with the new products and the measures taken, allow for a positive outlook for the second half of the year.


International: Strong growth in the own-brand business

Own-brand business developed positively at + 18.5 %, particularly in Asian-Pacific markets such as Australia, Singapore and China, where growth was very high at + 42.1 %. Development in Europe, with the exception of Germany, was stable. Demand from North America in the OEM business was characterised by high volatility in the past 18 months. More than 90 % of net sales for the year was earned in the first half of 2023, which shows that orders and, consequently, the increase in inventory were extraordinarily high. Deliveries to North America since the summer of 2023 are well below average due to excessively high inventory levels. Accordingly, the year-on-year comparison as of 30 June 2024 shows a decline in net sales by CHF 23.3 million, or - 84.4 % respectively, to CHF 4.3 million. The positive development in the rest of the V-ZUG Group has regrettably been mitigated by this decline. As a result, net sales in the International Markets reached CHF 43.6 million, which is a decrease compared to the previous year (CHF 60.8 million).


Wolfgang Schroeder is the new Chief Technology Officer

The V-ZUG Group appointed Wolfgang Schroeder as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and member of the Executive Committee with effect from 1 July 2024. Wolfgang Schroeder began at V-ZUG as Head of Digital Transformation & Business Development in October 2021. There, he played a key role in advancing the digitalisation of V-ZUG products and information communication technology. He has extensive experience in product and portfolio management, digitalisation, innovation, strategy and marketing in B2B and B2C business. After his education as a graduate engineer at the Technical University of Darmstadt and Ecole Centrale de Lyon, he spent 13 years in various roles at Siemens.


2024 outlook

For the full year, V-ZUG expects an improvement compared to the previous year, although the challenges of the past two years are only gradually abating. V-ZUG anticipates increasing net sales and better results in the second half of the year compared to the second half of 2023. The “Simplify V-ZUG” initiative contributes to further reducing complexities and automating collaborative work and processes. “Simplify V-ZUG” is also having a positive impact on customer focus and product quality. In addition, V‑ZUG is benefiting from a gradually improving overall market situation overall, as well as from the now lower inventory levels of partners. For the full year 2024, V-ZUG anticipates higher net sales and improved profitability compared with 2023 – in both absolute terms as well as in relation to net sales.

Key Figures

in CHF million










Net sales




- 4.7 %

Currency adjusted




- 4.2 %





+ 9.7 %

EBITDA in % of net sales


8.3 %

7.2 %

+ 110 bp

Operating result (EBIT)




+ 71.9 %

EBIT in % of net sales


3.1 %

1.7 %

+ 140 bp

Group net result




+ 101.6 %

Group net result in % of net sales


3.1 %

1.5 %

+ 160 bp

Cash flow from operating and investing activities


- 36.2

- 7.5


Cash and cash equivalents (including securities)




- 19.3 %

Total assets




+ 2.4 %

Shareholders’ equity




+ 3.8 %

Equity in % of the balance sheet total


76.4 %

75.4 %

+ 100 bp

Number of employees (FTE) as of 30 June




- 1.4 %






Household Appliances





Net sales




- 4.7 %

Currency adjusted




- 4.2 %

Operating result (EBIT)




+ 105.1 %

in % of net sales


2.2 %

1.0 %

+ 120 bp

Real Estate





Operating result (EBIT)




+ 3.2 %



Further information

Adrian IneichenGabriele Weiher
CFOHead of Investor Relations
Tel.: +41 58 767 60 03Tel.: +41 58 767 86 19


This ad hoc announcement is available at and the 2023 Annual Report at


Key dates

6 March 2025
Publication of the annual results 2024
8 April 2025
Annual General Meeting
23 July 2025
Publication of the half-year results 2025



About the V-ZUG Group

“Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen.”

V-ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for over 110 years and offers a comprehensive service in all its markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand servicing and the retail of household appliances, is also part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,100 people.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this ad hoc announcement/media/investor release are based on assumptions. Actual results may deviate from these assumptions. This ad hoc announcement is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement, which is available at

In an era where the kitchen has become the heart of the home, V-ZUG is introducing the next generation of the “Combair V600” to simplify the cooking process by way of Swiss precision. Designed for effortless cooking, this new Swiss classic combines Swiss quality with modern design and straightforward operation, creating a classic oven for everyone.
V-ZUG shares its visions and inspirations in a series of events during this year’s Milan Design Week. The installation Time and Matter, conceived by Elisa Ossino and born from the collaboration with HENRYTIMI at the Pinacoteca di Brera, explores the duality between humanistic design and archaic matter, as well as the constant technical enhancement of the kitchen. This theme will be explored also in the V-ZUG Studio in Piazza San Marco 4.

Zug, 13 March 2024


Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR


Full-year results for 2023:
Declining sales volumes, increased gross profit and targeted cost management

In 2023, the V-ZUG Group generated net sales of CHF 585.4 million, 8.0 % lower than the previous year (CHF 636.3 million). During the pandemic-induced boom in 2021–2022, sales volumes were extraordinarily high. In addition to this base effect, inflation, rising interest rates and a corresponding decline in demand had a negative impact on sales volumes in the reporting year. This development was exacerbated by the reduction of inventory levels at V‑ZUG partners. To address the market-related decline in volume, additional measures to increase sales and cost-saving initiatives were implemented that had a positive effect on the operating result and cash flow. The operating result (EBIT) amounted to CHF 16.8 million (previous year: CHF 10.3 million, + 63.1 %). Free cash flow improved to CHF 18.2 million (previous year: CHF  52.2 million). For the year 2024, V-ZUG expects the market environment to remain challenging and continues to be committed to its medium-term targets through investments in market development and positioning, production as well as ongoing projects to increase innovation and efficiency.

Lower demand and higher gross margin

In the past financial year, net sales amounted to CHF 585.4 million (previous year: CHF 636.3 million). The substantially lower sales volume, at – 16 %, were partially offset by sales price increases. In addition to the pricing discipline, the increase in the gross margin was achieved as it was possible to largely refrain from expensive purchases on spot-buy markets and the development of purchase prices stabilised overall.

Increased profitability in the second half of the year

The operating result (EBIT) in 2023 amounted to CHF 16.8 million, which is substantially higher than the previous year (CHF 10.3 million, + 63.1 %). The EBIT margin was accordingly 2.9 % (previous year: 1.6 %). The Group net result rose overall by 47.2 % to CHF 11.7 million (previous year: CHF 7.9 million).

The situation in the market for household appliances remained challenging. The sluggish development of new construction projects and the reluctance to invest in renovations had an impact on V-ZUG’s sales volumes. Sales volumes came under greater pressure in the second half of the year in particular. Net sales amounted to CHF 287.3 million in the second half of the year, which was CHF 10.9 million, or 3.6 %, lower than net sales in the first half of the year. Operating income (EBIT), on the other hand, was at CHF 11.7 million and thus substantially higher than in the first half year (CHF 5.1 million, + 128.8 %). This was due to no more purchases on spot-buy markets in the second half of 2023 and consistent sales pricing, which lead to a higher gross margin. In addition, the adjustment to the number of employees in production, process optimisations and further cost-saving initiatives bolstered the operating income. The EBIT margin amounted to 4.1 % in the second half of 2023.

The number of employees as of 31 December 2023 amounted to 2,066 (previous year: 2,193), 89 of whom were apprentices.

The cash flow from operating activities was CHF 80.5 million in the reporting year (previous year: CHF 1.0 million). The improvement resulted from the reduction of inventory at the Zug and Sulgen production sites, lower trade receivables and consistent cash management. The cash flow after investment activities (free cash flow) was CHF 18.2 million (previous year: CHF – 52.2 million). The high investment expenses are predominantly attributable to investments in the site transformation. As with the operating result, the situation with regard to free cash flow improved considerably in the second half of the year at CHF + 25.7 million, compared to the first half of 2023 (CHF – 7.5 million). The reduction in net operating working capital amounting to CHF – 35.6 million in the second half of the year played an important role here.

Strong balance sheet without debt financing

The balance sheet of the V-ZUG Group as of 31 December 2023 continues to be very solid with an equity ratio of 74.9 % (previous year: 74.8 %) as well as cash and cash equivalents including securities of CHF 81.0 million (previous year: CHF 64.5 million). Thanks to the positive free cash flow, no debt financing has been necessary so far, despite the ongoing investment programme in the site transformation in Zug.

Focus on market development and operational improvements

The net sales of V-ZUG as market leader in the Swiss domestic market fell by 7.3 % to CHF 481.4 million compared to the previous year (CHF 519.5 million). In International Markets, net sales decreased by 10.9 % to CHF 104.1 million (previous year: CHF 116.8 million); Adjusted for currency effects, the development in the international own-brand business was stable. Operating and organisational improvements went hand in hand with further intensified market development. Structures and processes were optimised in the Swiss market organisation and in Marketing, Engineering and Operations in order to respond more quickly to market changes. Temporary employees were reduced and recruitment for vacancies took place selectively. In addition, an initiative called “Simplify V-ZUG” was launched. The initiative involves streamlining processes and routines and further improving product, delivery and service quality. Throughout the entire company, projects have been reviewed and prioritised and possible cost reductions implemented.

The supply difficulties that were triggered by disrupted supply chains in the previous year are now history. Since the beginning of February 2023, our delivery quality has been back at the usual high level.

Site transformation – a commitment to Switzerland

Having commissioned Europe’s most cutting-edge refrigerator factory in Sulgen in 2022 and by constructing a new vertical factory in Zug, V-ZUG is underscoring its commitment to Switzerland. The new “Zephyr Ost” production building was constructed in 2023. The basic fit-out was completed at the beginning of the first quarter of 2024 and the building handed over to V-ZUG for the installation and commissioning of operating equipment. This strengthens the Swiss identity and provides an important contribution to the local economy. Moreover, V-ZUG is investing in an extensive training programme to equip the skilled workers of today and tomorrow with essential industry expertise.

Sustainability as a main pillar: Our ongoing commitment

V-ZUG has been voluntarily disclosing information about non-financial aspects in the form of a sustainability report since 2012. Reporting has followed the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) since 2020. The reporting of non-financial matters relating to social and environmental issues has been a legal requirement for listed companies of a certain size in Switzerland since 2023 (Article 964a et seq. CO); This information is now integrated in the Annual Report.

V-ZUG has always been committed to quality, precision and longevity. Sustainability forms part of the business strategy and is managed via an interdisciplinary Sustainability Workforce. A number of projects were driven forward in the reporting year, including:

  • The V-ZUG circular economy factory, which is operating as a prototype.
  • Over 30 product life cycle assessments showing which measures can be used to reduce the environmental footprint of V-ZUG appliances.
  • The “Product as a Service” business model, in which washing machines and dryers are rented out instead of sold, is likewise contributing to longevity and the circular economy.
  • Launched in December 2022, the CO2 web shop was rolled out internationally in the reporting year and saw extensive use. V-ZUG production in Switzerland has been CO2 neutral since 2020.

Marcel Feurer becomes new Chief Swiss Market Officer

The V-ZUG Group has appointed Mr Marcel Feurer as Chief Swiss Market Officer (CSMO) and Member of the Executive Committee. He will start in his new role at latest by 1 June 2024. He has many years of experience in sales, service and business development in the B2B and B2C business in Switzerland and abroad. Marcel Feurer is currently National Sales Director and Member of the Executive Committee of Hilti Schweiz AG. He previously held a range of positions at Hilti, including Director of Business Development and Member of the Executive Committee of Hilti Belgium.

2024 outlook

In the light of persistent global uncertainty, delayed planning approval procedures and the current level of interest rates, V-ZUG does not expect an improvement in consumer behaviour and in the real estate industry in particular. The “Simplify V-ZUG” initiative will continue, reducing complexity as well as simplifying and automating collaboration and processes. This is also expected to have a positive impact on customer focus and product quality. A number of new products, particularly in the mid segment, will be launched in 2024. For the year 2024, V-ZUG expects the market environment to remain challenging. It continues to be committed to its medium-term targets through investments in market positioning and development, production as well as in ongoing projects to increase innovation and efficiency.

Annual General Meeting 2024

The Board of Directors will submit a motion to the Annual General Meeting to not pay a dividend for the 2023 financial year. This is the result of an in-depth review of the situation, which is characterised by the persisting market difficulties and continued high investments in the site transformation.


Key figures

in CHF million










Net sales




 8.0 %

Currency adjusted



 7.2 %





14.0 %

EBITDA in % of net sales


8.3 %

6.7 %

160 bp

Operating result (EBIT)




63.1 %

EBIT in % of net sales


2.9 %

1.6 %

130 bp

Group net result




47.2 %

Group net result in % of net sales


2.0 %

1.2 %

80 bp

Cash flow from operating and investing activities





Cash and cash equivalents including securities




25.6 %

Total assets




2.1 %

Shareholders’ equity




2.2 %

Equity in % of total assets


74.9 %

74.8 %

10 bp

Number of employees (FTE) as of 31 December




  5.8 %







Household Appliances





Net sales




 8.0 %

Currency adjusted




 7.2 %

Operating result (EBIT)




117.7 %

EBIT in % of net sales


2.1 %

0.9 %

120 bp

Real Estate





Operating result (EBIT)




0.2 %

This ad hoc announcement is available at and the 2023 Annual Report at

Further information

Adrian IneichenGabriele Weiher
CFOHead of Investor Relations
Tel.: +41 58 767 60 03Tel.: +41 558 767 86 19


Key dates

23 April 2024Annual General Meeting
19 July 2024Publication of the 2024 half-year results

About the V-ZUG Group

“Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen.”

V-ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for over 110 years and offers a comprehensive service in all its markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand servicing and the retail of household appliances, is also part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,100 people.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this ad hoc announcement/media/investor release are based on assumptions. Actual results may deviate from these assumptions. This ad hoc announcement is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement, which is available at

In a world where silence is precious and flexibility is more valued than ever, V-ZUG's new single-door refrigerators set new standards. The Cooler V2000 is the result of the perfect combination of Swiss precision and efficiency. The refrigerator offers an unique fusion of quiet operation and modular flexibility, designed to infuse every kitchen with a serene yet refreshingly modern ambiance.
V-ZUG introduces the newest generation of its iconic Adora dishwasher, redefining simplicity and comfort. Intelligent features make dishwashing easier than ever before, while Swiss craftsmanship ensures pristinely perfect results.


Zug, 21 July 2023


Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR


Consistent cost management in response to difficult market situation

In the first half of 2023, V-ZUG generated net sales of CHF 298.2 million, 1.6 % lower than in the previous year’s period (H1 2022: CHF 303.0 million). Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to CHF 5.1 million (H1 2022: CHF 4.3 million). There were no more supply shortages in the first half of the year, however, purchase prices remained high. To address market-related declining volumes, additional measures to increase sales as well as cost-saving initiatives are being implemented. V-ZUG remains committed to its medium-term targets.

Sales volumes under pressure – stable net sales

Net sales of the V-ZUG Group decreased slightly by 1.6 % to CHF 298.2 million in the first half of 2023 (H1 2022: CHF 303.0 million; currency adjusted - 1.0 %). This development was due to lower volumes in Switzerland, sales growth in International Markets and effects from sales price increases. The restrained market development in Switzerland mainly affected new buildings and renovations, each accounting for around a third of appliance sales. Replacement investments, as well as customer service remained on a good level. Our customers’ inventories were still well stocked, which put further pressure on volumes. The performance of International Markets varied across regions. International Markets’ share of net sales in this period amounted to 20.4 % (H1 2022: 17.8%).

Operating result improved

With the help of sales price increases implemented in stages in the previous year and in February 2023, the company was able to counter the high purchase prices. EBIT increased to CHF 5.1 million (H1 2022: CHF 4.3 million); the EBIT margin was 1.7 % (H1 2022: 1.4 %). To improve profitability, various measures to increase sales and to reduce costs are being implemented: procurement costs are continuously being addressed, the number of temporary jobs reduced, vacancies only selectively filled, and recruitment activities by and large suspended. Projects have been reprioritised and expenditures cut back. V-ZUG adjusts its structural cost base successively to remain agile.

Cash Flow from operating activities was CHF 17.9 million in the first half of 2023 (H1 2022: CHF -25.2 million) compared to previous year due to deviations within trade receivables and inventory. As in the previous year, cash flow from investing activities was mainly influenced by the site transformation; it amounted to CHF - 25.4 million (H1 2022 CHF - 24.0 million). Free cash flow was CHF -7.5 million (H1 2022: CHF - 49.2 million). As of 30 June 2023, the balance sheet remained strong with an equity ratio of 75.4 % (31 December 2022: 74.8 %) and cash and cash equivalents including securities of CHF 56.4 million (31 December 2022: CHF 64.5 million). 

Attractive growth in International Markets

In International Markets, V-ZUG’s total sales saw an increase of 13.0 % to CHF 60.8 million; sales development varied across regions. Order intake was affected to some extent by global uncertainties and cautious consumer behaviour. V-ZUG systematically invests in the growth of carefully selected international markets and metropolitan areas.

Special edition to mark Adora’s 65th anniversary

The Adora washing machine was developed in 1958 with sustainability in mind and has been produced in Switzerland since 1959. Today’s production process is CO2-neutral. In terms of laundry performance, it is second to none. Thanks to using less water, energy and detergent, the appliance also washes in a resource-efficient way. To celebrate Adora’s anniversary, a special edition is being launched. Among other improvements, the AdoraWaschen V4000 OptiDos and AdoraTrocknen V4000 models are being enhanced with functional upgrades to provide additional fabric care benefits at unparalleled value for money.

Success through sustainability

The company released its 2022 Sustainability Report on 29 March 2023. It provides comprehensive details of numerous accomplishments and initiatives. These include reducing carbon emissions, improving the energy-efficiency ratings of appliances and aligning the company’s operations with the circular economy, to name just a few. The next sustainability report will be included in the V-ZUG Annual Report 2023 and be released on 13 March 2024.


Key Figures

in CHF million


H1 2023

H1 2022







Net sales




- 1.6 %

Currency adjusted




- 1.0 %





11.4 %

EBITDA in % of net sales


7.2 %

6.3 %

90 bp

Operating result (EBIT)




20.0 %

EBIT in % of net sales


1.7 %

1.4 %

30 bp

Group net result




14.9 %

Group net result in % of net sales


1.5 %

1.2 %

30 bp

Cash flow from operating and investing activities


- 7.5

- 49.2

84.7 %

Cash and cash equivalents including securities




- 17.1 %

Total assets




- 2.3 %

Shareholders’ equity




0.8 %

Equity in % of total assets


75.4 %

73.0 %

240 bp

Number of employees (FTE) as of 30 June




- 1.4 %











Household Appliances





Net sales




- 1.6 %

Currency adjusted




- 1.0 %

Operating result (EBIT)




72.9 %

EBIT in % of net sales


1.0 %

0.6 %

40 bp

Real Estate





Operating result (EBIT)




- 6.9 %


EBITDA: Operating result (EBIT) before depreciation, amortisation and impairment.

Equity ratio: Proportion of a company’s assets is financed with equity. It is defined as equity expressed as a percentage of total equity and liabilities.


This ad hoc announcement is available at and the 2023 Half-Year Report at



Further information

Adrian IneichenGabriele Weiher
CFOHead of Investor Relations
Tel.: + 41 58 767 60 03Tel.: +41 58 767 86 19


Key dates

13 March 2024Publication of the annual results 2023
23 April 2024
Annual General Meeting
19 July 2024Publication of the 2024 mid-year results

About the V-ZUG Group

“Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen.”

V-ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for 110 years and offers a comprehensive service in all its markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand servicing and the retail of household appliances, is also part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,100 people.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this ad hoc announcement/media/investor release are based on assumptions. Actual results may deviate from these assumptions. This ad hoc announcement is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement, which is available at

First physical Annual General Meeting of V-ZUG Holding AG since spin-off from Metall Zug Group

Zug, April 25, 2023. At the 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Zug, Switzerland, the shareholders of V-ZUG Holding AG approved all proposals of the Board of Directors. As foreseen at the spin-off from Metall Zug Group in 2020, no dividend was paid for the fiscal year 2022. The AGM confirmed the re-election of the Chairman and all members of the Board of Directors as well as the Human Resources and Compensation Committee for a further term of office of one year.

This year, V-ZUG Holding AG held its first Annual General Meeting with physical presence since going public. 286 shareholders attended the meeting in Zug; 83.1 % of the share capital was represented. The agenda included the report on the 2022 financial year, the appropriation of net profit, the discharge of the executive bodies and the elections of the members of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the members of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee, the independent proxy and the auditors. Other items on the agenda were the approval of the compensation of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee and an amendment to the Articles of Association, which had become necessary in particular as a result of the new Stock Corporation Act coming into force on January 1, 2023.

Further information

Adrian Ineichen
Chief Financial Officer 
Telephone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Gabriele Weiher
Head of Investor Relations
Telephone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Key dates

21 July 2023Publication of the Half-year Results2023
13 March 2024Publication of the Annual Results 2023
23 April 2024Annual General Meeting 2024

This announcement is available at

About the V-ZUG Group

“Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen.”

V-ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for 110 years and offers a comprehensive service in all its markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand servicing and the retail of household appliances, is also part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,200 people.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Legal notes

This media release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement, which is available at


Media release (PDF)

V-ZUG shares its visions and inspirations through a rich program of initiatives at this year’s Milan Design Week. One installation, one sensory experience, and a series of talks, all focused on the company’s commitment to creating a sustainable future through a circular approach, in a constant dialogue with the most inspiring and forward-looking minds of our time.


Ad hoc announcement under Art. 53 of the listing rules


A challenging financial year: critical supply shortages and drastic increases in procurement prices

Zug, 15 March 2023 – In the 2022 financial year, the V-ZUG Group increased net sales by 0.8 % to CHF 636.3 million (previous year: CHF 631.3 million). Currency-adjusted growth amounted to 1.2 %. The operating result (EBIT) was under pressure due to dramatic increases in procurement prices and lower volumes mainly as a result of supply shortages. At CHF 10.3 million, it was significantly lower than the previous year (CHF 62.7 million). In the second half of 2022, there was a gradual easing of the situation: the supply shortages became less problematic than they had been in early summer, although procurement prices remained high. V-ZUG confirms its medium-term targets of annual organic net sales growth of 3 % and an EBIT margin of 10-13 %.

Stable net sales despite adverse circumstances

Net sales for the V-ZUG Group increased slightly to CHF 636.3 million in the reporting year (previous year: CHF 631.3 million; +0.8 %, currency adjusted +1.2 %). The sales volume suffered due to the supply shortages while procurement prices increased substantially. In order to guarantee availability amidst supplier decommitments, procurement of electronic components had to resort to spot-market purchases to a large extent, which led to drastic cost increases. Other raw materials and components saw substantial price increases, too. The corresponding sales price increases were implemented gradually and with a lead time of 3-4 months so that business customers had enough time to adjust their own pricing. For V-ZUG, it is important to be a reliable partner also in today’s very challenging environment.

After a record year in 2021 as a consequence of the pandemic (“Sonderkonjunktur”), net sales in Switzerland were down by 3 %, which was more than offset by the International business, which grew by 21.8 % (currency adjusted 24.2 %). This growth was achieved despite the ongoing supply shortages on the procurement markets. The share of International Markets accounted for 18.4 % of total net sales.

The low operating result reflects the challenges

At CHF 10.3 million, the operating result (EBIT) was significantly (i. e. 83.6 %) lower than the previous year (CHF 62.7 million). Accordingly, the EBIT margin fell to 1.6 % (previous year: 9.9 %) with net sales at a similar level to the previous year. This development is primarily due to lower sales volumes as a result of delivery delays, soaring procurement prices for almost all purchased materials and freights, as well as inefficiencies in production caused by the supply chain problems.

Cash flow from operating activities was CHF 1.0 million in the reporting year (previous year: CHF 63.5 million). Cash flow after operating and investment activities (free cash flow) was CHF -52.2 million (previous year: CHF 9.0 million). This is largely due to the lower operating result, the increased stock designed to guarantee delivery capability in the face of erratic availability, as well as the significant ongoing investment in the site transformation.

As of 31 December 2022, the balance sheet of the V-ZUG Group showed a strong equity ratio of 74.8 % (previous year: 72.9 %) and cash and cash equivalents of CHF 64.4 million (previous year: CHF 107.8 million).

A step closer to achieving our strategic goals

The transformation of V-ZUG is progressing according to plan:

  • Product portfolio: All premium products are very popular with users, in particular the new products that stand out not only thanks to their technology but also their design and sustainable credentials. Product portfolio management also includes the continuous streamlining of the portfolio with the aim of meeting customer requirements while also ensuring efficient production processes.
    At V-ZUG, customer service plays an important role over the entire product life cycle.
    “Product-as-a-Service” is another strategic focus of V-ZUG.
  • Brand strategy: Every year, V-ZUG commissions the evaluation “Brand Monitor”. The last survey was carried out in November 2022 in Switzerland. It showed that when potentially making purchase decisions, buyers favour V‑ZUG by a substantial margin: 61 % of end-consumers questioned as part of a representative survey would buy appliances from V‑ZUG (previous year: 50 %). This makes V-ZUG appliances very popular on the Swiss market.
  • The internationalisation of V-ZUG is also progressing, as demonstrated by the consistently positive sales performance and the successful opening of two new V-ZUG Studios (showrooms) in London and Paris. 
  • Digitalisation: The V-ZUG app was successfully launched in China in 2022, i.e. this application is now available in all important markets. The share of digital order intake has also significantly increased thanks to the introduction of new software systems with Machine Learning, which made the order process more efficient and of better quality for our customers. The partner network for the digital cooking assistant “V-Kitchen” was expanded in 2022, with a number of renowned partners including the Migros cooking portal.
  • Site transformation: The new refrigerator factory building in Sulgen was successfully put into operation in spring 2022, and the further site transformation in Zug is clearly visible. The ground-breaking ceremony for the vertical production building “Zephyr Ost” took place in March 2022. This major project represents an important step in reducing the footprint of the production while simultaneously increasing its capacity. It also underlines the commitment to Switzerland as a production location.

Sustainable business conduct remains important focusing on the following topics: Products and services for a sustainable society, healthy and committed employees, environment and climate protection as well as entrepreneurship for sustainable prosperity. This topic is addressed in detail in the sustainability report, which will be published as a separate report for the last time at the end of March this year. In the future, the financial and sustainability report will be published together as one comprehensive annual report.

2023 outlook: A strong brand in a dynamic environment

The last three years have been turbulent and have had a fundamental impact on V-ZUG. Employees and organisation have learned to respond to challenges more quickly and flexibly. This year, V-ZUG will continue to focus on its customers by providing innovative and user-friendly products designed to make their day-to-day lives easier. It is precisely with this in mind that V-ZUG is pushing ahead with the strategic transformation. V-ZUG confirms its medium-term targets of annual average organic sales growth of 3 % and an EBIT margin of 10-13 %.

Waiving dividends

The dividend policy communicated as part of the stock market listing in June 2020 has not changed. The Board of Directors is proposing to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend be paid for the 2022 financial year due to the continued significant investments in the strategic transformation.


Key Figures

in CHF million










Net sales




0.8 %

Currency adjusted




1.2 %





-54.9 %

EBITDA in % of net sales




-830 bp

Operating result (EBIT)




-83.6 %

EBIT in % of net sales




-830 bp

Group net result




-85.7 %

Group net result in % of net sales




-760 bp

Cash flow from operating and investing activities




-678 %

Cash and cash equivalents (including securities)




-45.1 %

Total assets




-1.5 %

Shareholders’ equity




1.1 %

Equity in % of the balance sheet total




190 bp

Number of employees (FTE) as of 31 Dec.




5.4 %






Household Appliances





Net sales




0.8 %





1.2 %

Operating result (EBIT)




-90.3 %

in % of net sales




-830 bp

Real Estate





Operating result (EBIT)




7.8 %


The previous year’s figures were amended in line with changes to accounting principles; see 2022 Annual Report, page 76, available at


Further information

Adrian Ineichen 


Tel.: +41 58 767 60 03 


Gabriele Weiher

Head of Investor Relations

Tel.: +41 58 767 60 03


This ad hoc announcement is available at and the 2023 Annual Report at


Key dates
25 April 2023Annual General Meeting
21 July 2023Publikation of the mid-year results 2023


About the V-ZUG Group

“Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen.”

V-ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for 110 years and offers a comprehensive service in all its markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand servicing and the retail of household appliances, is also part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,200 people.


V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).


Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this ad hoc announcement/media/investor release are based on assumptions. Actual results may deviate from these assumptions. This ad hoc announcement is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement, which is available at


Ad hoc / media release (pdf)


The new CombiCooler V4000 178KNI is a flexible and elegant two-door refrigerator which showcases Swiss innovation is at its finest.
Minimalist design and advanced cooling functions in solid dimensions: the WineCooler V4000 45 is the most compact wine cooler in its category.
The 90cm-wide CombiSteamer V6000 45L Grand brings a new dimension to steaming and baking, impressive in size and elegant in appearance.


Media release dated 22 July 2022 / Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR 

Zug, 22 July 2022 – the V-ZUG Group looks back on a mixed first half-year that has been full of challenges. Continuing strong demand ensured that net sales remained slightly below the previous year’s level (CHF 303.0 million; previous year’s period CHF 312.3 million), but cost increases, component shortages and delivery delays all impacted the operating result (CHF 4.3 million; previous year’s period CHF 38.3 million) and the EBIT margin (1.4%; previous year’s period 12.3%).

Compared to the challenging months of April and May, the situation showed signs of improvement towards the end of the first half of 2022. Our strong emphasis on cost discipline, procurement processes and phased price adjustments in the markets will help us to counter the challenges at hand. We expect the geopolitical and macroeconomic situation to remain volatile throughout the rest of the year, with continued effects on our supply chains and material costs. Hence, the V-ZUG Group is not making a financial forecast for the second half of 2022 or for the 2022 financial year as a whole.

Revenue similar to previous year, operating result impacted

Net sales of the V-ZUG Group were CHF 303.0 million (previous year’s period CHF 312.3 million). At CHF 4.3 million, the operating result (EBIT) was significantly lower than in the same period last year (CHF 38.3 million) and resulted in a lower EBIT margin of 1.4% (previous year’s period 12.3%). Operational efficiency, measured by the EBITDA margin, was 6.3% in the first half of 2022 (previous year’s period 17.2%).

In the first half of 2022, the V-ZUG Group’s cash flow from operating activities amounted to CHF - 25.2 million (previous year’s period CHF 13.6 million), and free cash flow (after investment activities) totalled CHF - 49.2 million (previous year’s period: CHF - 12.7 million). The negative free cash flow is mainly driven by the low Group net result and the build-up of inventories (CHF 20.8 million) to mitigate supply chain disruptions. Further, investments (Capex1) in the first half of 2022 totalled CHF 24.6 million (previous year’s period CHF 24.2 million). The largest investment position is in the “Zephyr Ost” production building. The balance sheet remains strong, with an equity ratio of 73.0% (previous year’s period 71.7%).

Higher costs and delivery delays due to purchase material shortages

The challenging situation in procurement markets since summer 2021 saw another unexpected deterioration at the end of March 2022, primarily due to the strict COVID-19 lockdown in the greater Shanghai area. Cost increases and disruptions are affecting virtually all purchasing material groups, but in particular electronic components and, to an even greater extent, microchips. Lack of availability repeatedly forced the V-ZUG Group to alter production planning at short notice in the first half of 2022, with the result that production was not always able to work at full capacity, leading to delivery delays for some products in the second quarter. However, this situation showed signs of improvement towards the end of the first half of the year due to the measures taken regarding procurement processes.

Strong demand in all markets and expansion of international presence

Demand continues to be strong for V-ZUG appliances in the Swiss market, although the short-term economic boom caused by the pandemic has slightly weakened. The Excellence Line appliances launched last year were very well received by the market, with strong order levels. Strong demand coupled with unusual delivery delays of confirmed orders led to a significant increase in the order backlog.

Under difficult political circumstances, with restrictions on business activities in China, Russia and Ukraine, the V-ZUG Group increased its net sales in International Markets in the first half of 2022 to CHF 53.8 million (previous year’s period CHF 44.1 million). Increased brand awareness and the launch of the Excellence Line resulted in continuing high demand internationally for the V-ZUG Group, predominantly in Europe and Australia. The newly opened V-ZUG Studios in London and Paris contributed further to our brand positioning and international growth.

The outlook for a continued strong demand in all its markets therefore remains generally optimistic. The significant increases in procurement costs will be passed on to customers in the form of gradual price increases. However, these increases will be delayed by around three to four months to allow business partners time to adjust their prices vis-à-vis end customers.

Significant market response to innovative products and business models and increased marketing communication in the first half of 2022

V-ZUG's product highlights in 2022 included the spring launch of the “PowerSteam” in the Excellence Line – a world first offering simultaneous steam and microwave functions; the “Grand” – a 90 cm-wide combination steamer available from 2023 that offers greater flexibility and convenience; and the new “CombiCookTop” that has received both an iF Design Award and a Red Dot Design Award. The new business model for renting washing machines and tumble dryers – part of a product-as-a-service concept – is well received by the market and will be marketed more broadly in the second half of 2022. Key successes in the area of digital solutions included the launch of the “V-ZUG Home” app in China and winning Migusto – the cooking platform of Migros, one of the largest grocers in Switzerland – as a major partner for the “V-Kitchen” digital cooking assistant. The success of the new appliances, business models and digital solutions reflects the strength of V-ZUG’s strategy of developing innovative products and services to satisfy customers’ needs and bring simplicity into their home and creativity into their kitchen.

In Switzerland, a broad cross-media campaign was launched with the slogan “Perfection that you can feel” with two new V-ZUG brand ambassadors: the avant-garde Swiss architect Valerio Olgiati and the French-Swiss ex-Formula 1 driver Romain Grosjean. This enabled us to position the design of the V-ZUG brand, the simple, convenient, precise use of our appliances in day-to-day life and our new products in the premium segment more strongly in the market.

Focus on sustainability – employee engagement and reducing carbon emissions

In the 2021 Sustainability Report, published at the end of April 2022 (available at, the V-ZUG Group set out quantifiable goals in the different areas of sustainability for the first time. In the first half of 2022, the focus was on launching and implementing a number of associated initiatives. One of these is V-ZUG’s involvement in the establishment of the “Association for Industry Decarbonisation” in Zug that aims to set up sustainable hydrogen production on the Tech Cluster Zug (Metall Zug Group) site. The intention is for the hydrogen to replace the natural gas used for high-temperature production processes in Zug and the diesel used in the lorry fleet, leading to a further reduction in the V-ZUG Group’s carbon emissions. The V-ZUG Group also continues to focus on sustainable employee development. V-ZUG’s efforts regarding corporate and employee management and work organisation were rewarded with the Swiss “Friendly Work Space” quality standard.

Relocation of the refrigerator factory complete and site transformation under way

At the beginning of the year, the new production site for cooling appliances started operating and is already demonstrating increases in efficiency compared to the old site in Arbon.

In March – as scheduled – the foundation stone ceremony for the “Zephyr Ost” production building took place in Zug, attended by representatives of local government and the SWISSMEM industry association. The study order procedure is currently under way for the new “Zephyr West” office and development building. Two planning teams will submit their projects by autumn 2022 to a final jury comprising planning specialists and representatives from the construction industry and the city of Zug.


Compared to the challenging months of April and May, the situation showed signs of improvement towards the end of the first half of 2022. Our strong emphasis on cost discipline, procurement processes and phased price adjustments in the markets will help us to counter the challenges at hand. We expect the macroeconomic and geopolitical situation to remain volatile throughout the rest of the year, with continued effects on our supply chains and material costs. Hence, the V-ZUG Group is not making a financial forecast for the second half of 2022 or for the 2022 financial year as a whole.

Beyond the 2022 financial year, the V-ZUG Group will be aiming for a return to the figures stated in its medium-term objectives once the situation in procurement markets has stabilised. This will be enabled by the significant order backlog in all markets, an attractive product and service portfolio, increases in efficiency due to investments in production, sales price adjustments, and the continuing progress in market penetration in International Markets.

Key figures

in CHF million (excluding FTE)H1 2022H1 20212Change
Net sales303.0312.3-3.0%
Currency-adjusted  -2.8%
in % of net sales6.3%17.2%-1'090 bp
Operating result (EBIT)4.338.3-88.9%
in % of net sales1.4%12.3%-1'090 bp
Group net result3.834.0-88.9%
in % of net sales1.2%10.9%-960 bp
Cash flow from operating & investing activities-49.2-12.7-287.6%
Cash and cash equivalents (incl. securities)68.095.8-29.0%
Total assets619.9596.63.9%
Shareholders' equity452.8427.55.9%
in % of total assets473.0%71.7%130 bp
Number of employees (FTE) as at 30.06.2'1452'0663.8 %
Household Appliances   
Net sales303.0312.3-3.0%
Currency-adjusted  -2.8%
Operating result (EBIT)1.836.4-95.1%
in % of net sales0.6%11.7%-1'110 bp
Real Estate   
Operating result (EBIT)3.12.428.4%


1 “Capex” refers to additions to tangible and intangible assets.
2 The figures for the previous year's period were partially adjusted due to changes in accounting principles. For more information, see page 20 of the 2022 half-year report available at
3 “EBITDA” is the operating result (EBIT) before depreciation, amortisation and impairment.
4 The “equity ratio” shows what proportion of a company’s assets is financed with equity. It is defined as equity expressed as a percentage of total equity and liabilities.


About the V-ZUG Group

"Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen."

V‑ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets overseas. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for more than 100 years and offers comprehensive service in all of its markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand servicing and the sale of household appliances, is another part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,200 people.

The holding company V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Key dates

15 March 2023Publication of Annual Report
25 April 2023Annual General Meeting

Further information

Adrian Ineichen
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

This ad hoc announcement / media release is available at and the half-year report 2022 at

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this ad hoc announcement / media release are based on assumptions. Actual results may deviate from these assumptions. This ad hoc announcement / media release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V‑ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement, which is available at

Ad hoc/media release (pdf)

Zug, 23 May 2022 – Despite sustained high demand, supply chain bottlenecks and further rising procurement costs will affect the V-ZUG Group’s net sales and operating result in the first half of 2022. Thanks to a renewed product portfolio, improved price quality, strong order books including a very positively progressing penetration of the International Markets and efficiency gains resulting from investments in production, the V-ZUG Group is optimistic that it will achieve the announced medium-term targets as soon as the situation in the procurement markets has stabilised.

Since the end of March 2022, the supply chain situation once again has deteriorated significantly but rather unexpectedly, most notably due to the strict Covid-19 lockdown in the greater Shanghai area. Challenges and disruptions are affecting virtually all purchasing material groups, but in particular the availability of electronic components and, even more so, microchips. As a result, the V-ZUG Group is facing some delivery delays and further increases to procurement costs, which will negatively affect the Group’s net sales and operating result.

In light of these challenges, it will not be possible to achieve the operating result that was foreseen for the first half of 2022 – in the range of the EBIT margin of the second half of 2021 – when publishing the 2021 annual results on 15 March 2022. Due to the uncertain time horizon in terms of supply chain normalisation, the V-ZUG Group will not provide an outlook for the full 2022 financial year at this point in time.

The V-ZUG Group is well positioned, and is confident to overcome these challenges and maintain high production and delivery capabilities. Thanks to extraordinarily strong order books, an attractive product portfolio, sales price adjustments, a very positively progressing penetration of the International Markets and efficiency gains resulting from investments in production, the V-ZUG Group expects to be able to meet its announced medium-term targets as soon as the situation in the procurement markets has stabilised.

About the V-ZUG Group

"Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen."

V‑ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for more than 100 years and offers comprehensive service in all markets. SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand service and the sale of household appliances, is another part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,200 people.

The holding company V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and is represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Key dates

22 July 2022Publication of Half-Year Report
15 March 2023Publication of Annual Report
25 April 2023Annual General Meeting

Further information

Adrian Ineichen
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Patrik Leisi
Head Legal & Compliance / Investor Relations
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

This ad hoc announcement / media release is available at:

The expectations expressed in this ad hoc announcement / media release are based on assumptions. Actual results may vary from those anticipated. This ad hoc announcement / media release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V‑ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at:

Ad hoc/media release (pdf)

Zug, 28 April 2022 - At today's Annual General Meeting of V-ZUG Holding AG, shareholders agreed to all motions proposed by the Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting accordingly also waived the distribution of a dividend, thereby continuing to support the use of available funds to drive sustained growth in V-ZUG Group's value.

V-ZUG's positive developments in the area of sustainability are outlined in the Sustainability Report for the 2021 financial year, which was published this week. Therein, based on extensive analyses and assessments, quantitative sustainability targets for 2030 were set and published in various target areas for the first time.


2022 Annual General Meeting

The 2022 Annual General Meeting of V-ZUG Holding AG was held on 28 April 2022 without shareholders being present in person, as was the case the previous year. The Board of Directors decided on this approach back in January for organisational reasons and to ensure an appropriate level of planning security in the context of what was then an unpredictable situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Shareholders were able to exercise their rights through the independent representative. 1,510 shareholders took advantage of this opportunity, representing around 77.8% of the voting shares. The Annual General Meeting approved all motions proposed by the Board of Directors with a large majority.

Alongside the approval of the Annual Report, the annual financial statements of V-ZUG Holding AG and the consolidated financial statements of the V-ZUG Group for the 2021 financial year, the Annual General Meeting also agreed to the appropriation of the retained earnings for 2021 proposed by the Board of Directors, and, accordingly, to waive the distribution of a dividend. The Annual General Meeting thereby supports the Board of Directors' current dividend policy, communicated as part of the stock market listing, of using available liquidity primarily for investment in products, markets and production sites in Zug and Sulgen as part of the ongoing transformation process, and thus continuing to ensure sustained growth in V-ZUG Group's value.

The Annual General Meeting re-elected all members of the Board of Directors for another term of one year and re-elected Oliver Riemenschneider as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Prisca Hafner and Jürg Werner as members of the Human Resources & Compensation Committee.

The 2021 Compensation Report was acknowledged and approved by the Annual General Meeting in a consultative vote. The fee of the Board of Directors for the coming period of office until the next Annual General Meeting and the fixed compensation of the Executive Committee for the 2023 financial year (both prospective), as well as the variable compensation for the Executive Committee for the concluded 2021 financial year (retrospective), were approved by the Annual General Meeting.

The next Annual General Meeting of V-ZUG Holding AG is expected to take place on Tuesday 25 April 2023 at the Theater Casino in Zug.

2021 Sustainability Report

Since 2012, the V-ZUG Group has periodically published a sustainability report on a voluntary basis. The purpose of this report is to communicate sustainability targets, progress and challenges in a clear and open, comparable and self-reflective way. In the 2021 financial year, the following sustainability topics were particularly relevant to the V-ZUG Group:

  • Establishing quantifiable medium- and long-term targets for relevant areas such as reducing CO2 emissions in Scope 1 and 2 (in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol) by 80% by 2030 and increasing the proportion of women in senior management positions to over 25% by 2025.
  • Ensuring transparency with regard to the environmental footprint of products and sites by producing extensive and informative life cycle assessments.
  • Investing through the internal CO2 fund in a forward-looking project involving the production and use of hydrogen at the Zug site for the purposes of reducing emissions and increasing supply security.
  • Piloting and preparing new circular business models such as rental agreements for household appliances (Product as a Service, PaaS) with the aim of keeping resources in circulation for as long as possible.
  • Targeting measurable progress in employee satisfaction and engagement and formal confirmation of equal pay between the genders on a regular basis.
  • Driving the transformation to a sustainable and efficient production set-up at the Zug and Sulgen sites in Switzerland.

Sustainability is an integral part of the V-ZUG brand; it is a key aspect of the V-ZUG Group's strategy and has been entrenched in the corporate culture of the Group for decades. The organisation pursues a holistic approach in this regard. More information on this topic is available - alongside additional interesting facts and figures - in the comprehensive V-ZUG Sustainability Report for the 2021 financial year at:

About the V-ZUG Group

'Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen.'

V-ZUG is Switzerland's leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for more than 100 years and offers comprehensive service in all of its markets. SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand service and the sale of household appliances, is another part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,200 people.

The holding company V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Key dates

22 July 2022Publication of Half-Year Report
15 March 2023Publication of Annual Report
25 April 2023Annual General Meeting

Further information

Adrian Ineichen
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Patrik Leisi
Head Legal & Compliance / Investor Relations
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

This media release is available at:

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this media release are based on assumptions. Actual results may deviate from these assumptions. This media release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement, which is available at:

Media release (pdf)

The 2022 iF Design Award in the Kitchen category and the Product discipline goes to the V-ZUG CombiCookTop V4000.
The 2022 Red Dot Award in the Product Design category goes to the V-ZUG CombiCookTop V4000.

Media release dated 15 March 2022 / Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Zug, 15 March 2022 – The V-ZUG Group continued its growth trajectory in the 2021 financial year. Net sales once again saw a significant jump of 9.5% (CHF 623.7 million; previous year CHF 569.4 million), as did the operating result with +27.5% (CHF 62.7 million; previous year CHF 49.2 million). Thanks to these record sales, the medium-term double-digit EBIT margin target was achieved ahead of schedule in the year under review. This gratifying result was driven above all by continued high demand in the Swiss Market and strong growth in international business. The second half of the year was marred for the V-ZUG Group, as it was for the entire industrial environment, by the challenges posed by the intensifying supply chain situation and the associated increase in purchase prices for materials and logistics services.

The V-ZUG Group is still expecting a positive sales performance in excess of +6% for the 2022 financial year, thanks to full order books in Switzerland and across our International Markets. For the latter, sustained sales growth in excess of 10% per year is expected over the next few years. Major uncertainties persist in relation to the war in Ukraine and to developments in supply chains and purchase prices, whereby the latter is not expected to ease much before the end of 2022. Accordingly, the EBIT margin in the first half of 2022 is expected to be within the realm of that of the second half of 2021. Subject to any relevant and lasting geopolitical upheavals, the Group is aiming for an EBIT margin of 10% for the full 2022 financial year, given the high sales and revenue expectations and effective cost control.


Another significant rise in operating result

V-ZUG Group’s net sales rose compared with the previous year, standing at CHF 623.7 million (previous year CHF 569.4 million), with both the Swiss Market (+5.4%) and strong growth in the International Markets (+40.5%) contributing to this. Internationally, both the own-brand business (+26.5%) and the OEM business (+91.9%) performed exceptionally well. Furthermore, for the first time in its history, V-ZUG delivered more than 500,000 appliances to its customers in a single calendar year.

At CHF 62.7 million, the operating result (EBIT) was 27.5% higher than the previous year’s figure of CHF 49.2 million. With an EBIT margin of 10.0% (previous year 8.6%), the V-ZUG Group reached its medium-term target of a double-digit EBIT margin as announced as part of its stock market listing for the first time. Operational productivity as measured by the EBITDA margin increased to 15.2% (previous year 14.0%). As mentioned in the 2021 Half-Year Report, rising materials prices and supply shortages – particularly of microprocessors – resulted in a significant drop in the EBIT margin from 12.4% in the first half of 2021 to 7.7% in the second half of the year, particularly as sales price increases did not take effect until the fourth quarter of 2021.

In the 2021 financial year, the V-ZUG Group’s cash flow from operating activities totalled CHF 63.5 million (previous year CHF 99.4 million), and free cash flow (after investment activities) totalled CHF 9.0 million (previous year CHF 42.0 million). The difference from the previous year is primarily due to higher stock levels and tax payments alongside continuing high levels of investment.

As at 31 December 2021, the balance sheet of the V-ZUG Group showed a strong equity ratio of 72.9% (previous year 70.9%) and cash and cash equivalents incl. securities of CHF 117.3 million (previous year CHF 107.8 million).

2021: second year of COVID-19, rising costs and supply chain challenges

Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing materials shortages and bottlenecks in logistics capacities, production stoppages were mostly avoided in the reporting year. Given the adverse circumstances, delivery times remained acceptable for dishwashers and good for all other product categories. Price increases on purchasing materials and logistics services have forced us to adjust sales prices. The first price increase took place in October 2021 and a further increase will take effect in April 2022. Additional price increases will be unavoidable in the coming months.

Our effective Health & Safety policy minimised the number of COVID-19 cases and isolation-related absences across the V-ZUG Group companies in the reporting year. Employees at the Zug and Arbon sites also had the opportunity to get vaccinated on-site.

2022 outlook: V-ZUG is well placed to seize opportunities and overcome challenges

Demand for household appliances increased as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in the Swiss Market, but this is expected to normalise at a high level in the 2022 financial year. V-ZUG is anticipating net sales to grow by more than 6% in 2022 as a result of the exceptionally full order books, price adjustments in Switzerland as well as growing market penetration and full order books in International Markets.

There are still many uncertainties around supply chains and purchase prices. As a result, significant resources will still need to be spent in 2022 on ensuring production and delivery levels. The purchase price situation also means that sales prices will need to be adjusted. Overall, this situation is not expected to ease much before the end of 2022. As in the second half of 2021, the EBIT margin is expected to remain modest in the first half of 2022. Subject to any major and lasting geopolitical upheavals, the V-ZUG Group is aiming for an EBIT margin of 10% for the full financial year, given the high sales and revenue expectations and effective cost control. All transformation projects will continue as planned.

The strong performance of the business in the past financial year resulted in the Group achieving some of the medium-term targets announced as part of the stock market listing ahead of time (EBIT margin >10%; organic growth between 2 and 3%) and being well on the way to achieving others (doubling international business within five years compared with 2019). As part of revising its medium-term plans, the V-ZUG Group has now established the goal of achieving annual organic net sales growth of 3% at Group level by 2026, including annual organic net sales growth of over 10% in the International Markets, and an EBIT margin within the range of 10 to 13%.

There have been no fundamental changes to the dividend policy announced in the context of the stock market listing. As such, in light of continued significant investments in developing new products and digital solutions, further expansion of the International Markets, marketing and the transformation of the production site in Zug, the Board of Directors is proposing to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend be paid for the 2021 financial year.

Unusual dynamism on the Swiss Market and thriving international progress

The short-term economic recovery driven by continuing high demand led to strong sales in 2021 in a normally rather steady Swiss Market environment. Compared with the previous year, net sales rose by 5.4% and totalled CHF 529.1 million (previous year CHF 502.1 million). As a result, V-ZUG can claim market leadership in Switzerland.

In the service business, the V-ZUG Group maintained a level of service that met high customer expectations and the company’s service promise, and complied with COVID-19 Health & Safety measures. In addition, the SIBIRGroup AG further expanded its strength in the all-brand service area.

The international growth strategy continued to bear fruit in 2021. Net sales increased by 40.5% to CHF 94.6 million (previous year CHF 67.4 million). This result is due to continued excellent growth in the own-brand business (+26.5%) with net sales of CHF 67.0 million (previous year CHF 53.0 million) and significant increases in the OEM business, with net sales of CHF 27.6 million (previous year CHF 14.4 million). The associated increase in the contribution margin from international business drove further growth in the International Markets, again resulting in a positive contribution to V-ZUG’s structural costs.

The presence of the V-ZUG brand in major metropolitan areas around the world continued to expand with the opening of new V-ZUG Studios (showrooms). The new V-ZUG Studio in London was completed at the end of 2021, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the grand opening will take place at the end of March 2022. In addition, a V-ZUG Studio is scheduled to open in Paris in the second quarter. This will be followed by the V-ZUG Studio in Sydney in the third quarter and the V-ZUG Studio Vienna in the fourth quarter.

New products, new business models, new digital solutions

The launch of the new Excellence Line was a highlight for V-ZUG last year and was extremely well-received by customers and distribution partners both in Switzerland and in International Markets. The Excellence Line will be expanded in April 2022 with the new “PowerSteam” – a world first from V-ZUG, with an innovative, multi-application combination of steam and microwave technology that combines fast, precision cooking with tried and tested reliability and guaranteed top results. In addition, V-ZUG will be launching the new “CombiCookTop” – the second generation of the hob with an integrated extractor.

V-ZUG is currently running pilot projects to assess a new business model – renting washing machines to business customers. The rental appliances remain the property of V-ZUG, which provides any maintenance and service required during the rental period. At the end of the rental period, the appliances are returned, and any reusable components are recycled, promoting a sustainable circular economy.

In the 2021 financial year, the V-ZUG Group launched several new digital solutions as well as new releases of existing apps. At the heart of these is the “V-ZUG Home” app, with expanded functionalities and content – and easier link-up to the digital cook assistant for recipes and menu planning (“V-Kitchen”) – making it the ideal complement to the new Excellence Line.

Sustainability with a holistic focus

At V-ZUG, digitalisation plays an important role when it comes to sustainability and in raising awareness among end customers about the environmentally friendly use of V-ZUG appliances. Measuring our ecological footprint and creating life cycle assessments was another key task for the V-ZUG Group in the 2021 financial year. This created the basis for the V-ZUG Group to align its commitment to climate action with quantifiable targets and clear priorities.

Even under the new, significantly stricter energy efficiency regulations, 58% of the reclassified appliances sold by V-ZUG in the reporting year were in the top three energy efficiency classes (A – C). Production sites are kept CO2-neutral by preventing and reducing emissions and through the “V-Forest” reforestation project as part of voluntary offsetting. The associated compensation amounts are financed by a CO2 fund, built up from a voluntary internal CO2 levy for each tonne of CO2 emitted.

V-ZUG pursues a holistic approach to sustainability, which is embedded in V-ZUG’s corporate culture and forms an integral part of the V-ZUG brand. As part of this, an equal pay analysis was carried out in accordance with the Gender Equality Act and confirmed that V-ZUG in Switzerland is a fair employer that pays men and women equally for equal work. V-ZUG’s increasingly diverse workforce is also reflected in the increasing number of women overall (around 23%) and the proportion of women in senior management roles (23.6%).

Real estate projects and site transformation progressing

At the Zug site in November 2021, the new enamelling coating technology system was approved for production in the “Zephyr Hangar” building. Furthermore, after receiving the building permit at the beginning of the year, construction began in May 2021 on the final building of the new vertical factory, “Zephyr Ost”, which will optimise logistics and production processes in Zug.

The operating equipment installation and commissioning at the new refrigerator factory in Sulgen, which had been under way since autumn 2020, was completed on schedule and production gradually started in January and February 2022.

Key figures

in MCHF (excluding FTE)20212020Change
Net sales623.7569.49.5%
Currency-adjusted  9.2%
in % of net sales15.2%14.0%120 bp
Operating result (EBIT)
in % of net sales10.0%8.6%140 bp
Group net result
in % of net sales8.9%7.6%130 bp
Cash flow from operating & investing activities
Cash and cash equivalents (incl. securities)
Total assets
Shareholders' equity
in % of total assets72.9%70.9%200 bp
Number of employees (FTE) as at 31.12.2,0801,9994.1%
Household Appliances   
Net sales
Currency-adjusted  9.2%
Operating result (EBIT)
in % of net sales9.3%8.1%120 bp
Real Estate   
Operating result (EBIT)5.4

About the V-ZUG Group

"Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen."

V‑ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and manufacturing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for more than 100 years and offers comprehensive service in all of its markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on the Swiss-wide provision of all-brand service and the sale of household appliances, is another part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,200 people.

The holding company V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Key dates

28 April 2022Annual General Meeting
22 July 2022Publication of Half-Year Report

Further information

Adrian Ineichen
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Patrik Leisi
Head Legal & Compliance / Investor Relations
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

This media release / ad hoc announcement is available at and the 2021 annual report is available  at

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this media release / ad hoc announcement are based on assumptions. Actual results may deviate from these assumptions. This media release / ad hoc announcement is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V‑ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement, which is available at

Ad hoc / media release (pdf)


V-ZUG Holding AG / Key word(s): Half Year Results

22-Jul-2021 / 06:37 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Zug, 22 July 2021 - The V-ZUG Group recorded a very successful first half of 2021, posting an above-average increase in net sales (CHF 308.3 million; previous year's period CHF 258.6 million) and a gratifying operating result (CHF 38.3 million; previous year's period CHF 12.9 million) thanks to sustained high demand, and building on its strong performance in the second half of 2020. Both the domestic Swiss market, driven by an exceptional demand, and our sales growth in the international markets across all regions (Europe, Asia/Pacific and North America) contributed to this encouraging result, with sales growth of around 19%.

For the second half of 2021, the above-average demand in the Swiss market is anticipated to return to a more normal level. There is considerable uncertainty regarding restricted capacity and resulting price increases for virtually all purchased materials and logistics services. Due to this volatile situation, the V-ZUG Group is refraining from making a forecast for its 2021 annual results.

V-ZUG Group's net sales rose compared with the previous year's period, standing at CHF 308.3 million (previous year's period CHF 258.6 million). Both the domestic Swiss market (+12.9%) and the international markets in all three regions (Europe +56.4%, APAC +87.6% and North America +98.4%) contributed to this significant growth in sales. At CHF 38.3 million, the operating result (EBIT) was 196.6% higher than the same period last year (CHF 12.9 million). Operational productivity (EBITDA margin) also increased, from 10.7% in the previous year's period to 17.4% in the first half of 2021.

In the first half of 2021, the V-ZUG Group's cash flow from operating activities amounted to CHF 13.6 million (previous year's period CHF 25.4 million), and free cash flow (after investment activities) totalled CHF -12.7 million (previous year's period CHF -0.6 million). The deviation compared with the previous year's period is mainly attributable to the increase in current assets. Strategic projects have progressed in line with plans, and have been funded entirely from the Group's own resources. With an equity ratio of 71.7% and cash and cash equivalents of CHF 95.7 million, the balance sheet remains strong.

Extraordinary demand in Switzerland and strong growth in international sales

Boosted by increased consumer activity was an unexpected consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for household appliances has grown significantly since mid-2020. In the first half of 2021, despite considerable challenges relating to the procurement of materials and components, the V-ZUG Group was able to meet the significantly increased demand to a great extent, seamlessly building on its above-average performance in the second half of 2020.

In the first half of 2021, the V-ZUG Group benefited from strong demand in its domestic Swiss market and recorded extraordinary sales growth in all product groups.

In the international markets, the V-ZUG Group increased net sales in the first half of 2021 to CHF 43.7 million (previous year's period CHF 24.3 million). The own-brand business contributed to this trend, with sales growing by CHF 11.6 million or +69.4%. After a temporary slowdown in the 2020 financial year, the OEM business recovered significantly. The opening of two further ZUGORAMAs (showrooms), in London and in Paris, is planned for the second half of 2021.

Enthusiasm for the new Excellence Line

The introduction of the new Excellence Line this year is a highlight for V-ZUG. The Excellence Line will undergo a phased launch in the international markets. The launch took place in Europe at the beginning of May 2021, and will be followed by launches in Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia in autumn 2021, and finally in the People's Republic of China at the beginning of 2022.

Based on initial feedback from the markets, the new appliances are being well received both by specialist retailers and by end customers in terms of their design and their functionality. The design is also delighting experts around the world. As a result, the Excellence Line ovens and steam cookers have received the "Best of the Best" Red Dot Award for Product Design 2021, one of the best-known awards for design and innovation worldwide. In addition, the Excellence Line and the AdoraDish V6000 dishwasher with OptiLift have received this year's iF DESIGN AWARD.

No significant production stoppages, few COVID-19 cases

In the first half of 2021, the V-ZUG Group was once again able to avoid production stoppages to a great extent and maintain its delivery capability, some minor delays notwithstanding. Thanks to effective precautionary measures, there have been very few cases of COVID-19 and quarantine-related absences across all V-ZUG Group locations since the end of February 2021. At its operating sites in Zug and Arbon, V-ZUG has taken part in voluntary mass COVID-19 testing, with a weekly testing rate of up to 500 employees. At the Arbon site, employees have also had the opportunity to be vaccinated at their workplace.

Due to the pandemic, practically all partner, customer and shareholder events took place virtually again in the first half of 2021. This led to certain cost savings compared with the pre-COVID situation.

In the first half of the year, the V-ZUG Group also had to deal with pandemic-related challenges and uncertainties in procurement and supply chain management. In addition to supply bottlenecks and procurement difficulties, the second quarter of the year also saw the start of a noticeable increase in prices for raw materials, components and logistics capacity.

Site transformations in Zug and Arbon/Sulgen proceed on schedule

At the beginning of 2021, planning permission was granted for the final production building of the new vertical factory in Zug ("Zephyr Ost"). Construction work started on the new building in May 2021, and it is due to be handed over to operations by autumn 2023, following completion and operational expansion.

The construction of the new refrigerator factory building in Sulgen was completed in autumn 2020. Since then, a phased handover to operations has been taking place, involving extensive installation activities. Full commissioning will take place at the beginning of 2022.

Due to its strong balance sheet and net liquidity, V-ZUG continues to be in a position to finance the far-reaching transformation projects, including the aforementioned upgrade of its own production and office premises, on its own and without additional external funds.

Gradual introduction of new digital solutions

This year, V-ZUG has introduced several digital solutions onto the market. For example, the V-ZUG Home app was updated for the launch of the new Excellence Line. Both proven functionalities and a whole range of new areas of application are now available in conjunction with the latest generation of appliances. A digital assistant has also been created in the form of "V-Kitchen" (, offering enthusiastic cooks support throughout the entire cooking process. Partners in this initiative include Swissmilk, Wildeisen, Farmy and Tiptopf.

"V-Connect" has been developed specifically for managed buildings in order to make servicing even more efficient. Using an app, caretakers can network older appliances up to 20 years of age in order to receive an even faster and more targeted service. And finally, 'V-Upgrade' enables users of V-ZUG Adora Line washing machines and dryers to retrospectively acquire additional functionality.

Sustainability report published

At the end of April 2021, the V-ZUG Group published its sustainability report for the 2020 financial year, with the aim of communicating transparently in this important field. The 2020 Sustainability Report is available at:

The fact that V-ZUG products achieve top marks with regard to sustainability is evident, even during the ongoing switch to the new energy efficiency classes. Based on the new, significantly more stringent energy efficiency criteria, V-ZUG continues to achieve the highest energy efficiency class A with the AdoraWash V6000 and the AdoraDish V6000.


For the second half of 2021, the above-average demand in the Swiss market is anticipated to return to a more normal level, while continued solid sales growth can be expected in the international markets. There is considerable uncertainty regarding the deteriorating situation in supply chains. In particular, restricted capacities are leading to price increases for almost all purchased materials and logistics services, which requires a corresponding increase in sales prices in October 2021. The circumstances also remain tense regarding the supply reliability in our supply chains. Keeping our production and delivery capability intact will of course continue to be a high-priority task. Against the background of this volatile situation, the V-ZUG Group is refraining from making a forecast for its 2021 annual results.

Key figures

CHF million (excl. FTE)H1 2021H1 2020Change
Net sales308.3258.619.2%
Currency-adjusted  18.8%
as a % of net sales17.4%10.7%680 bp
Operating result (EBIT)38.312.9196.6%
as a % of net sales12.4%5.0%740 bp
Group net result34.011.3201.2%
as a % of net sales11.0%4.4%670 bp
Cash flow from operating and investing activities-12.7-0.6n/a
Cash and cash equivalents95.765.146.9%
Balance sheet total596.6514.316.0%
Shareholders' equity427.5361.618.2%
as a % of balance sheet total71.7%70.3%140 bp
Number of employees (FTE) as at 30.06.2,0661,9635.3%
Household Appliances   
Net sales308.3258.619.2%
Currency-adjusted  18.8%
Operating result (EBIT)36.411.5216.9%
as a % of net sales11.8%4.4%740 bp
Real Estate   
Operating result (EBIT)2.41.928.9%

About the V-ZUG Group

"Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen."

V-ZUG is Switzerland's leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and producing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for over 100 years and offers a comprehensive service in all markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on all-brand services and the sale of household appliances throughout Switzerland, is another part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,000 people.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and is represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Key dates

15 March 2022Publication of the 2021 Annual Report
28 April 2022Annual General Meeting

Further information

Adrian Ineichen
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Patrik Leisi
Head Legal & Compliance / Investor Relations
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this media release are based on assumptions. Actual results may vary from those anticipated. This media release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at:

Ad hoc / media release (pdf)


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Zug, 22 July 2021 – The V-ZUG Group recorded a very successful first half of 2021, posting an above-average increase in net sales (CHF 308.3 million; previous year's period CHF 258.6 million) and a gratifying operating result (CHF 38.3 million; previous year's period CHF 12.9 million) thanks to sustained high demand, and building on its strong performance in the second half of 2020. Both the domestic Swiss market, driven by an exceptional demand, and our sales growth in the international markets across all regions (Europe, Asia/Pacific and North America) contributed to this encouraging result, with sales growth of around 19%.

For the second half of 2021, the above-average demand in the Swiss market is anticipated to return to a more normal level. There is considerable uncertainty regarding restricted capacity and resulting price increases for virtually all purchased materials and logistics services. Due to this volatile situation, the V-ZUG Group is refraining from making a forecast for its 2021 annual results.

V-ZUG Group's net sales rose compared with the previous year's period, standing at CHF 308.3 million (previous year's period CHF 258.6 million). Both the domestic Swiss market (+12.9%) and the international markets in all three regions (Europe +56.4%, APAC +87.6% and North America +98.4%) contributed to this significant growth in sales. At CHF 38.3 million, the operating result (EBIT) was 196.6% higher than the same period last year (CHF 12.9 million). Operational productivity (EBITDA margin) also increased, from 10.7% in the previous year's period to 17.4% in the first half of 2021.

In the first half of 2021, the V-ZUG Group's cash flow from operating activities amounted to CHF 13.6 million (previous year's period CHF 25.4 million), and free cash flow (after investment activities) totalled CHF -12.7 million (previous year's period CHF -0.6 million). The deviation compared with the previous year’s period is mainly attributable to the increase in current assets. Strategic projects have progressed in line with plans, and have been funded entirely from the Group's own resources. With an equity ratio of 71.7% and cash and cash equivalents of CHF 95.7 million, the balance sheet remains strong.

Extraordinary demand in Switzerland and strong growth in international sales

Boosted by increased consumer activity was an unexpected consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for household appliances has grown significantly since mid-2020. In the first half of 2021, despite considerable challenges relating to the procurement of materials and components, the V-ZUG Group was able to meet the significantly increased demand to a great extent, seamlessly building on its above-average performance in the second half of 2020.

In the first half of 2021, the V-ZUG Group benefited from strong demand in its domestic Swiss market and recorded extraordinary sales growth in all product groups.

In the international markets, the V-ZUG Group increased net sales in the first half of 2021 to CHF 43.7 million (previous year's period CHF 24.3 million). The own-brand business contributed to this trend, with sales growing by CHF 11.6 million or +69.4%. After a temporary slowdown in the 2020 financial year, the OEM business recovered significantly. The opening of two further ZUGORAMAs (showrooms), in London and in Paris, is planned for the second half of 2021.

Enthusiasm for the new Excellence Line

The introduction of the new Excellence Line this year is a highlight for V-ZUG. The Excellence Line will undergo a phased launch in the international markets. The launch took place in Europe at the beginning of May 2021, and will be followed by launches in Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia in autumn 2021, and finally in the People's Republic of China at the beginning of 2022.

Based on initial feedback from the markets, the new appliances are being well received both by specialist retailers and by end customers in terms of their design and their functionality. The design is also delighting experts around the world. As a result, the Excellence Line ovens and steam cookers have received the "Best of the Best" Red Dot Award for Product Design 2021, one of the best-known awards for design and innovation worldwide. In addition, the Excellence Line and the AdoraDish V6000 dishwasher with OptiLift have received this year’s iF DESIGN AWARD.

No significant production stoppages, few COVID-19 cases

In the first half of 2021, the V-ZUG Group was once again able to avoid production stoppages to a great extent and maintain its delivery capability, some minor delays notwithstanding. Thanks to effective precautionary measures, there have been very few cases of COVID-19 and quarantine-related absences across all V-ZUG Group locations since the end of February 2021. At its operating sites in Zug and Arbon, V-ZUG has taken part in voluntary mass COVID-19 testing, with a weekly testing rate of up to 500 employees. At the Arbon site, employees have also had the opportunity to be vaccinated at their workplace.

Due to the pandemic, practically all partner, customer and shareholder events took place virtually again in the first half of 2021. This led to certain cost savings compared with the pre-COVID situation.

In the first half of the year, the V-ZUG Group also had to deal with pandemic-related challenges and uncertainties in procurement and supply chain management. In addition to supply bottlenecks and procurement difficulties, the second quarter of the year also saw the start of a noticeable increase in prices for raw materials, components and logistics capacity.

Site transformations in Zug and Arbon/Sulgen proceed on schedule

At the beginning of 2021, planning permission was granted for the final production building of the new vertical factory in Zug ("Zephyr Ost"). Construction work started on the new building in May 2021, and it is due to be handed over to operations by autumn 2023, following completion and operational expansion.

The construction of the new refrigerator factory building in Sulgen was completed in autumn 2020. Since then, a phased handover to operations has been taking place, involving extensive installation activities. Full commissioning will take place at the beginning of 2022.

Due to its strong balance sheet and net liquidity, V-ZUG continues to be in a position to finance the far-reaching transformation projects, including the aforementioned upgrade of its own production and office premises, on its own and without additional external funds.

Gradual introduction of new digital solutions

This year, V-ZUG has introduced several digital solutions onto the market. For example, the V-ZUG Home app was updated for the launch of the new Excellence Line. Both proven functionalities and a whole range of new areas of application are now available in conjunction with the latest generation of appliances. A digital assistant has also been created in the form of "V-Kitchen" (, offering enthusiastic cooks support throughout the entire cooking process. Partners in this initiative include Swissmilk, Wildeisen, Farmy and Tiptopf.

"V-Connect" has been developed specifically for managed buildings in order to make servicing even more efficient. Using an app, caretakers can network older appliances up to 20 years of age in order to receive an even faster and more targeted service. And finally, “V-Upgrade” enables users of V-ZUG Adora Line washing machines and dryers to retrospectively acquire additional functionality.

Sustainability report published

At the end of April 2021, the V-ZUG Group published its sustainability report for the 2020 financial year, with the aim of communicating transparently in this important field. The 2020 Sustainability Report is available at:

The fact that V-ZUG products achieve top marks with regard to sustainability is evident, even during the ongoing switch to the new energy efficiency classes. Based on the new, significantly more stringent energy efficiency criteria, V-ZUG continues to achieve the highest energy efficiency class A with the AdoraWash V6000 and the AdoraDish V6000.


For the second half of 2021, the above-average demand in the Swiss market is anticipated to return to a more normal level, while continued solid sales growth can be expected in the international markets. There is considerable uncertainty regarding the deteriorating situation in supply chains. In particular, restricted capacities are leading to price increases for almost all purchased materials and logistics services, which requires a corresponding increase in sales prices in October 2021. The circumstances also remain tense regarding the supply reliability in our supply chains. Keeping our production and delivery capability intact will of course continue to be a high-priority task. Against the background of this volatile situation, the V-ZUG Group is refraining from making a forecast for its 2021 annual results.

Key figures

CHF million (excl. FTE)H1 2021H1 2020Change
Net sales308.3258.619.2%
Currency-adjusted  18.8%
as a % of net sales17.4%10.7%680 bp
Operating result (EBIT)38.312.9196.6%
as a % of net sales12.4%5.0%740 bp
Group net result34.011.3201.2%
as a % of net sales11.0%4.4%670 bp
Cash flow from operating and investing activities-12.7-0.6n/a
Cash and cash equivalents95.765.146.9%
Balance sheet total596.6514.316.0%
Shareholders' equity427.5361.618.2%
as a % of balance sheet total71.7%70.3%140 bp
Number of employees (FTE) as at 30.06.2,0661,9635.3%
Household Appliances   
Net sales308.3258.619.2%
Currency-adjusted  18.8%
Operating result (EBIT)36.411.5216.9%
as a % of net sales11.8%4.4%740 bp
Real Estate   
Operating result (EBIT)2.41.928.9%

About the V-ZUG Group

"Bringing simplicity into your home and creativity into your kitchen."

V‑ZUG is Switzerland’s leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and producing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for over 100 years and offers a comprehensive service in all markets. The SIBIRGroup AG, which focuses on all-brand services and the sale of household appliances throughout Switzerland, is another part of the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,000 people.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and is represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Key dates

15 March 2022Publication of the 2021 Annual Report
28 April 2022Annual General Meeting

Further information

Adrian Ineichen
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Patrik Leisi
Head Legal & Compliance / Investor Relations
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this media release are based on assumptions. Actual results may vary from those anticipated. This media release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V‑ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at:

Ad hoc / media release (pdf)

This media release is available at: and the Half-Year Report is available at:

Zug, 29 April 2021 - At today's Annual General Meeting, the first held by V-ZUG Holding AG as a listed company, shareholders approved all motions proposed by the Board of Directors. In particular, the Annual General Meeting endorsed the proposal not to distribute a dividend and thus gave its backing to using the available funds to drive sustained growth in the V-ZUG Group's value. 

V-ZUG has published its sustainability report for financial year 2020 and is spotlighting its sustainable working practices.

The first Annual General Meeting held by V-ZUG Holding AG as a listed company took place on 29 April 2021 without the shareholders physically in attendance due to the current epidemiological situation around Covid-19. Shareholders were able to exercise their rights through the independent voting representative, however. This option was taken up by 1,484 shareholders, representing 85.5% of the voting shares. The Annual General Meeting approved all motions proposed by the Board of Directors by a large majority.

Besides approving the annual report, the annual financial statements of V-ZUG Holding AG and the consolidated financial statements of the V-ZUG Group for financial year 2020, the Annual General Meeting also consented to the Board of Directors' proposal for the appropriation of retained earnings for 2020 and thus to its proposal not to distribute a dividend for financial year 2020. By doing so, the Annual General Meeting endorsed the Board of Directors' motion to invest the available liquidity in the V-ZUG Group's ongoing transformation and thus strive for sustained growth in its value.

All members of the Board of Directors were re-elected to serve another one-year term of office. Mr Oliver Riemenschneider was confirmed as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Ms Prisca Hafner and Mr Jürg Werner as members of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee.

The Annual General Meeting received and approved the 2020 compensation report in a consultative vote and approved the variable compensation awarded to the Executive Committee for the past financial year 2020 (retrospectively) as well as the fee awarded to the Board of Directors for the coming term of office through to the next Annual General Meeting and the fixed compensation awarded to the Executive Committee for 2022 (both prospectively).

As it was not possible to hold an in-person Annual General Meeting this year, V-ZUG Holding AG will be briefing interested shareholders on financial year 2020 and the 2020 sustainability report at a separate online event on 12 May 2021. For more information and to register for this virtual event, please go to:

The next Annual General Meeting of V-ZUG Holding AG is expected to take place in Zug on Thursday, 28 April 2022.

2020 sustainability report

The V-ZUG Group has been publishing a sustainability report on a regular basis since 2012 and does so voluntarily, i.e. outside the reporting requirements under stock exchange regulations. Its intention here is to communicate the progress, developments, challenges and targets in relation to sustainability in an open, clear, comparable and self-critical manner.

Sustainability is an integral part of the V-ZUG brand as well as a key element of its strategy and for decades has been entrenched in the V-ZUG Group's corporate culture. The approach to sustainability is a holistic one, as the following examples show:

Production of Swiss-made appliances is CO2 neutral

In 2020, the V-ZUG Group achieved CO2 neutrality at its production sites for the first time (Scope 1 and 2, and air travel). However, the V-ZUG Group's business activities continue to produce greenhouse gas emissions that need to be prevented, reduced and offset. More specifically, this is being achieved through an internal CO2 levy per tonne of CO2 emitted.The V-ZUG Group is thus providing additional incentives for sustainable business decisions, financing investments in CO2 reduction and supporting offsetting measures such as the reforestation project in Scotland through its own forest, the «V-Forest».

More women in top management

The proportion of women at the most senior levels of management (Board of Directors, Executive Committee, level 1 management) has risen continuously in recent years and at the end of financial year 2020 stood at 20.8%. Of the total headcount, women made up between 20.5% and 22.0% over the last three years. The proportion of women in management has therefore been brought into line with the percentage of women in the workforce as a whole.

Introduction of a mobility scheme at the Zug site

Mobility is one of the biggest causes of environmentally harmful emissions. A flexible mobility scheme is intended to raise awareness of the issue among V-ZUG employees. Financial incentives and a range of additional green offerings encourage employees to rethink their mobility behaviour, the aim being to reduce motorized commuting to under 40% by 2022 at the latest.

More information on sustainability and further interesting facts can be found in the full 2020 sustainability report available at:

About the V-ZUG Group

V-ZUG is Switzerland's leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and producing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for over 100 years and offers a comprehensive service in all markets. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,000 people.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and is represented in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Key dates

12 May 2021Virtual shareholder information event
22 July 2021Publication of the half-year report
15 March 2022Publication of the annual report
28 April 2022Annual general meeting

Further information

Adrian Ineichen
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Patrik Leisi
Head Legal & Compliance / Investor Relations
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this meda release are based on assumptions. Actual results may vary from those anticipated. This media release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at:

Media release (pdf)

The new generation of ovens and steam cookers in the V-ZUG Excellence Line and the AdoraDish V6000 dishwasher with OptiLift have been awarded this year’s iF DESIGN AWARD. This makes V-ZUG one of the winners of this internationally renowned design label.
The new generation of ovens and steam cookers in the V-ZUG Excellence Line has won the 2021 Red Dot "Best of the Best" Award for Product Design.

V-ZUG Holding AG / Key word(s): Personnel

29-March-2021 / 06:18 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Zug, 29 March 2021 - V-ZUG Group has appointed Nathalie Noël as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and member of the Executive Committee with a strong emphasis on digitalization.


As announced in January of this year, the Chief Marketing Officer will be responsible for the areas of product management, strategic distribution channel management and pricing, as well as marketing communications, and will continue to further pursue the associated digitalization topics.

Ms. Nathalie Noël will take up her position as CMO and member of the Executive Committee of the V-ZUG Group on 1 August 2021 at the latest. She brings along several years of management and specialist experience in global marketing in both B2B and B2C environments and has a convincing track record in building up digital marketing channels.

Nathalie Noël is currently Global Head of Marketing at Vitra International AG in Basel and is responsible for marketing communications, digital marketing and sales excellence. She previously worked as Marketing Director for the art book publisher TASCHEN in Cologne and as International Group Manager for L'Oréal Group (Division L'Oréal Luxe) in Paris. Nathalie Noël holds a Master's degree in marketing and communication and a Bachelor's degree in political science from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po).


About the V-ZUG Group

V-ZUG is Switzerland's leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and producing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for over 100 years and offers a comprehensive service in all markets as well. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,000 people.

The holding company V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index, SPI (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Key dates

29 April 2021Annual general meeting
22 July 2021Publication of the half-year report
15 March 2022Publication of the annual report

Additional Information

Sandra Forster
Chief Human Resources Officer
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Patrik Leisi
Head Legal & Compliance / Investor Relations
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this media release are based on assumptions. Actual results may vary from those anticipated. This media release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at

End of ad hoc announcement


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V-ZUG Holding AG / Key word(s): Annual Results
V-ZUG Group significantly increases net sales and operating result compared to the previous year

17-March-2021 / 07:00 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Zug, 17 March 2021 - The V-ZUG Group grew by 4.7% in 2020 (5.2% adjusted for currency effects). Net sales in 2020 amounted to CHF 569.4 million (previous year CHF 543.6 million). At CHF 49.2 million, the operating result (EBIT) was significantly higher than in the previous year (CHF 29.6 million - adjusted for special effects in connection with a provision for soil remediation work: CHF 32.7 million). V-ZUG was able to achieve this positive result in a challenging environment characterized by the Covid-19 pandemic, with lower expenditure for customer events and trade fairs on the one hand, and more significant operational challenges on the other hand and as well as against the backdrop of continuing far-reaching transformation projects. V-ZUG is defending its leading position in Switzerland and is also growing strongly in international markets. Since 2020, V-ZUG's production has been CO2-neutral at all its sites.

In 2020, the V-ZUG Group generated a cash flow from operating activities of CHF 99.4 million (previous year CHF 37.7 million) and a free cash flow (after investing activities) of CHF 42.0 million (previous year CHF -31.2 million). The equity ratio was 70.9% as per 31 December 2020.

The start of the financial year 2021 bodes well for the V-ZUG Group. In the first half-year, it expects progress to significantly outperform that of last year. Due to the uncertainties for the second half of the year - particularly with regard to the further course of the Covid-19 pandemic, increasing raw material prices and volatile currency exchange rates - the V-ZUG Group refrains from providing a further outlook.

Last summer, after many years as part of the Metall Zug Group, the V-ZUG Group embarked upon a journey towards independence. On 25 June 2020, the shares of V-ZUG Holding AG were traded on SIX Swiss Exchange for the first time. Metall Zug AG retains around 30% of V-ZUG Holding AG shares as a strategic shareholding. The share price opened at CHF 72.00, and stood at CHF 88.30 at the end of the financial year 2020, significantly above the issue price. From the Board of Directors' and the Executive Committee's perspective, the listing was a success.


Significantly improved operating result

V-ZUG Group's net sales rose compared with 2019, standing at CHF 569.4 million (previous year CHF 543.6 million). At CHF 49.2 million, the operating result (EBIT) was significantly higher than the previous year (CHF 29.6 million, resp. CHF 32.7 million when adjusted for the provision for soil remediation work). And in terms of operational productivity as measured by the EBITDA margin, there was an increase from 10.5% in the previous year to 14.0% in the  financial year 2020. One-time savings in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic, such as fewer marketing activities, influenced this result by approx. CHF 5 million. The V-ZUG Group is well on the way to meeting its target of a double-digit EBIT margin in the medium term.


In 2020, the V-ZUG Group's cash flow from operating activities amounted to CHF 99.4 million (previous year: CHF 37.7 million), and free cash flow (after investment activities) totalled CHF 42.0 million (previous year: CHF -31.2 million). The equity ratio stood at 70.9% on 31 December 2020. The positive business performance in 2020 and the capital increase generated by Metall Zug AG as part of the spin-off led to a further strengthening of the balance sheet and made it possible to finance extensive investments in products, markets, digitalization initiatives and the production sites at Zug and Sulgen from the company's own funds. As already communicated at the time of the spin-off, using available financial resources to invest into sustainable grow of the value of the V-ZUG Group is set to continue for the next three years. Therefore, the Board of Directors proposes that no dividend be paid for the financial year 2020.


The V-ZUG Group is run in two segments: «Household Appliances» and «Real Estate».


Segment Household Appliances

In 2020, the Household Appliances segment posted net sales of CHF 569.4 million (previous year: CHF 543.6 million). At CHF 46.2 million, the operating result (EBIT) was significantly higher than the previous year (CHF 28.3 million). The key figure EBITDA in % of net sales increased from 9.7% in the previous year to 12.7% in the year under review (+300bp).


Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, sustained demand from a stable real-estate market, in part due to the continuation of construction activity in general, had a positive impact on business, particularly in Switzerland. From early summer onwards and particularly during the fourth quarter, the market for construction equipment was going strong. The delivery capability was maintained at all times during the first and second waves of the pandemic. This was possible not least also due to good supplier relations. V-ZUG was therefore able to defend its leading position in Switzerland despite Covid-19 and profound transformation projects and intends to expand this position in the near future.


In the international business, the V-ZUG Group increased net sales in most markets and achieved net sales of CHF 67.4 million in 2020 (previous year: CHF 61.4 million). The own-brand business showed positive progress, with net sales increasing by 41.7% from CHF 37.4 million in the previous year to CHF 53.0 million in the year under review. This encouraging performance was particularly noticeable in the core markets of China, Hong Kong, Australia and Germany, where high growth rates were recorded. Two further ZUGORAMAs were opened in Beijing and Munich, thereby strengthening V-ZUG's position in the premium household appliances sector in these two metropolitan areas. The brand experience offered to customers in the showrooms in Munich was recognized with the 'German Brand Award'. The positive trend in the own-brand business was partially offset by a decline in OEM business in the North American market.


Service & Support fulfilled its repair and servicing commitments while taking precautionary measures and succeeded in ensuring customers received a high level of service at all times. The same applies to SIBIRGroup, which is increasingly specializing in the provision of comprehensive all-brand services throughout Switzerland and is reinforcing its position in the market as an independent brand and organization.


Nevertheless, the V-ZUG Group is experiencing the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic in its operations on a daily basis. The strict precautionary measures and employee absences due to quarantining impacted negatively on productivity, particularly in the second half of the year. But the prompt implementation of appropriate precautionary measures enabled V-ZUG to cope well with this challenge. Moreover, the pandemic-related suspension of many sales support measures, such as consultancy in ZUGORAMAs and in customers' homes, led to cost savings throughout the entire year under review. Then again, this may have the effect of diminishing sales in the medium term to a certain extent. Short-time working had to be introduced for 60 to 80 employees in Switzerland for a two-month period during the first wave of the pandemic. Most office staff have been working from home on and off throughout the year, for several months in total.


Segment Real Estate

In 2020, the Real Estate segment posted an operating result (EBIT) of CHF 3.7 million - an increase of CHF 2.4 million compared with the previous year. It should be noted that provisions of CHF 3.1 million had to be set aside in the previous year for soil remediation work and in the year under review a value adjustment of CHF 0.5 million had to be made for a building to be demolished in connection with the construction of the new vertical factory in Zug.


In view of the spin-off of the V-ZUG Group from the Metall Zug Group, the site at Zug was divided up. The cooperation between the two groups of companies is regulated comprehensively in various agreements relating to matters such as site usage and infrastructure, management, mobility, emissions and site return. These agreements are an excellent foundation for a productive collaboration within the Tech Cluster Zug.


In August 2020, the completed «Zephyr Hangar» production building was handed over in its entirety. The new press installed on the ground floor had already been commissioned at the beginning of 2020. The new cooking chamber welding system on the second floor is now also operational, and the enamelling coating technology system - another important production facility - will be installed and commissioned in the first half of 2021. Also progressing in line with expectations are the planning and construction of additional buildings for the new vertical factory in Zug and the transformation of production processes from the old production buildings to the new ones. Construction work on the «Zephyr Ost» production facility is due in early 2021.


Alongside the site transformation in Zug, construction of the new refrigerator factory in Sulgen progressed in 2020 as planned. By the end of the year, the factory building and all the structural installations were completed. The production equipment will be installed and commissioned during 2021. The relocation of refrigerator production from Arbon to Sulgen will be completed at the beginning of 2022.


Strategic projects

During the year under review, work accelerated to complete the development of the new «Excellence Line» range of kitchen appliances. This new line of thermal appliances combines smart functionality and state-of-the-art technology with premium design. The Excellence Line was launched successfully on the Swiss market at the beginning of March 2021. Launches in international markets will follow in a phased approach until Chinese New Year 2022. More information on the new Excellence Line can be found at:


Further milestones were achieved in the implementation of the digitalization strategy. The transition to the new ERP system has been completed. The usual optimizations will now be incorporated into the new processes on an ongoing basis.



Sustainability is an integral part of the V-ZUG brand and a key pillar of V-ZUG's strategy, and has for many years been rooted in the corporate culture of the V-ZUG Group. The Head of Sustainability has been leading an interdisciplinary project team since 2020, and now reports directly to the CEO to ensure that the defined sustainability measures are implemented in all segments of the V-ZUG Group. These measures are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and follow the «triple bottom line» approach: people, planet and profit.


To help customers save energy, V-ZUG has for a long time committed itself to developing energy-saving appliances. The new Adora V6000 dishwasher line with heat pump sets new standards on the market in terms of energy efficiency. The V-ZUG Group relies on sustainable technologies and production methods in all segments. By continually reducing and offsetting, the V-ZUG Group became CO2-neutral at all production sites (scope 1 and 2, plus air travel), for the first time in 2020. With retrospective effect, this has already been the case at the Zug site since 2018 and at the Arbon site since 2019. The sub-assembly production in Changzhou, China, has been CO2-neutral since 2020, meaning that all V-ZUG's Swiss-made appliances were manufactured CO2-neutrally for the first time.



For its new phase as an autonomous company, the V-ZUG Group re-shaped its Board of Directors as part of the stock market listing. Existing Board members Oliver Riemenschneider, President, Prof Dr Annelies Häcki Buhofer and Dr Jürg Werner were joined by Prisca Hafner, Tobias Knechtle and Petra Rumpf. This line-up incorporates a wide range of expertise.


Peter Spirig has been heading up the V-ZUG Group as CEO since 1 September 2020. He took over the position from Heinz M. Buhofer, who acted as interim CEO from September 2019 to August 2020. The Executive Committee also saw the addition of Sandra Forster-Bernacchia, the new Director of Human Resources, at the end of November 2020. The management structure will be further modified to reflect changing requirements during 2021, and the Executive Committee will be strengthened by the new role of Chief Marketing Officer with a considerable focus on digitalization. This role will replace the position of Director of Business Development.



The start of the financial year 2021 bodes well for the V-ZUG Group. In the first half-year, it expects progress to significantly outperform that of last year. Due to the uncertainties for the second half of the year - particularly with regard to the further course of the Covid-19 pandemic, increasing raw material prices and volatile currency exchange rates - the V-ZUG Group refrains from providing a further outlook.



Key figures

in CHF million (except FTE)




















Net sales





FX adjusted










in % of net sales




350 bp

Operating result (EBIT)





in % of net sales




320 bp

Group net result





in % of net sales




260 bp

Cash flow from operating and investing activities





Cash and cash equivalents





Total assets





Shareholder's equity





in % of total assets




1970 bp

Number of employees (FTE) as per 31.12.




















Household Appliances





Net sales





FX adjusted





Operating result (EBIT)





in % of net sales




290 bp






Real Estate





Operating result (EBIT)











1) Contains a provision of CHF 3.1 million for soil remediation.



About the V-ZUG Group

V-ZUG is Switzerland's leading brand in household appliances and also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG has been developing and producing kitchen and laundry appliances in Switzerland for over 100 years and offers a comprehensive service in all markets as well. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,000 people.

The holding company V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich and represented in the Swiss Performance Index, SPI (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Key dates

29 April 2021Annual general meeting
22 July 2021Publication of the half-year report
15 March 2022Publication of the annual report

Additional Information

Adrian Ineichen
Chief Financial Officer
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Patrik Leisi
Head Legal & Compliance / Investor Relations
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this press release are based on assumptions. Actual results may vary from those anticipated. This press release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at

End of ad hoc announcement

1176164  17-March-2021 CET/CEST


V-ZUG Holding AG / Key word(s): Personnel
Management change and adjustment of the V-ZUG Group management structure

18-Jan-2021 / 07:09 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Zug, 18 January 2021 - Max Herger, Senior Vice President Operations / Chief Operations Officer, will leave the V-ZUG Group in summer 2021 when he enters retirement. Adrian Theiler has been appointed as his successor and as a new member of the management team. Manuel Faeh, Senior Vice President Business Development, will leave the V-ZUG Group in the first half of 2021. The position of Senior Vice President Business Development will be realigned as a result of evolving requirements. In its place, the V-ZUG Group will create the position of Chief Marketing Officer with a strong emphasis on digitalization. 

During the course of summer 2021, Max Herger, a current member of V-ZUG's executive committee, will take early retirement at his own request after many years of service at the V-ZUG Group. Since joining the company in 2001, Max Herger has taken on various roles, including CEO of V-ZUG Cooling Technology Ltd in Arbon from 2013 to 2019 as well as a previous four-year stint as Head of Operations and member of management of V-ZUG Ltd. The Board of Directors and the CEO of the V-ZUG Group would like to thank Mr Herger for his many years of commitment and wish him a very happy retirement.

As his successor, the Board of Directors of the V-ZUG Group has appointed Adrian Theiler, who will assume the position of Chief Operations Officer and member of V-ZUG's executive committee no later than 1 August 2021. Adrian Theiler studied Industrial Management and Manufacturing at ETH Zurich before completing the Executive MBA programme at the University of Zurich. Mr Theiler currently holds the position of Vice President Supply Chain Management EMEA at Landis+Gyr. He began working for this company back in 2003, occupying various roles in the areas of Supply Chain and Logistics as well as in the management of Business Lines with P&L responsibility.

The ongoing transformation process at the V-ZUG Group, which requires increasing digitalization as well as development of platform technologies and marketing via these platforms, calls for an adjustment of the management structure associated with the upcoming departure of Manuel Faeh, incumbent Senior Vice President Business Development, in the first half of 2021. His position will not be replaced in its present form. Instead, the current organization will be adjusted in line with the evolving requirements. Consequently, the management will be reinforced through the addition of a Chief Marketing Officer. This new position will be responsible for the areas of product management, strategic distribution channel management and pricing as well as marketing communications. It will also include a significant part of digitalization. Recruitment for this position is already underway. The Board of Directors and the CEO of the V-ZUG Group would like to thank Mr Faeh for his high level of commitment and his active contribution towards the ongoing transformation process.

About the V-ZUG Group

V-ZUG is Switzerland's leading brand in household appliances. Located in the heart of Switzerland, V-ZUG has been developing and producing kitchen and laundry appliances for over 100 years and offers a comprehensive service as well. As market leader in Switzerland, the V-ZUG Group also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,000 people.

The holding company V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG). The financial report is broken down into two segments: Household Appliances and Real Estate.

Key dates

17 March 2021Publication of the annual report
29 April 2021Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
22 July 2021Publication of the half-year report

Additional Information

Sandra Forster
Chief Human Ressources Officer
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Patrik Leisi
Head Legal & Compliance / Investor Relations
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this press release are based on assumptions. Actual results may vary from those anticipated. This press release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at

End of ad hoc announcement

1161157  18-Jan-2021 CET/CEST



V-ZUG Holding AG / Key word(s): Development of Sales/Forecast
The V-ZUG Group expects a clear increase of its operating result for 2020 compared to the previous year

16-Dec-2020 / 07:01 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Zug, 16 December 2020 - The V-ZUG Group expects net sales for the 2020 financial year to be higher than the previous year and anticipates a clear increase in the operating result.

To date there have been no far-reaching negative consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on the business of the V-ZUG Group in the second half of 2020. In the domestic Swiss market, the V-ZUG Group benefits from a generally stable market and corresponding strong demand. This is primarily due to the continuation of construction activity despite the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

V-ZUG's own-brand business continues to develop well also internationally. The markets in China/Hong Kong, Australia and Germany show strong growth rates. The very encouraging order intake in China and Germany is due, among other things, to the positive response in the market to the newly opened ZUGORAMAs in Beijing and Munich.

Thanks to timely implementation of appropriate protective measures and having ensured production capacities early on, V-ZUG is able to provide full delivery capability and to handle the increase in demand. In addition, substantial cost savings resulted from pandemic-related restrictions in terms of marketing activities. This is expected to result in higher net sales and a clear increase in the operating result for the V-ZUG Group for the 2020 financial year as compared with the previous year.

The V-ZUG Group is thus well on the way to achieving its profitability target in the region of a double-digit EBIT margin in the medium term, subject to the uncertainties relating to further developments and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on business activities.

About the V-ZUG Group

V-ZUG is Switzerland's leading brand in household appliances. Located in the heart of Switzerland, V-ZUG has been developing and producing kitchen and laundry appliances for over 100 years and offers a comprehensive service as well. The SIBIRGroup, which focuses on all-brand service and the sale of household appliances throughout Switzerland, is another part of the V-ZUG Group. As market leader in Switzerland, the V-ZUG Group also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. The V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,000 people.

The holding company V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG). The financial report is broken down into two segments: Household Appliances and Real Estate.

Key dates

17 March 2021Publication of the annual report
29 April 2021Annual general meeting
22 July 2021Publication of the half-year report


Additional information

Adrian Ineichen
Chief Financial Officer
Telephone +41 58 767 60 03 

Patrik Leisi
Head of Legal & Compliance / Investor Relations
Telephone +41 58 767 60 03

Legal notes

The expectations expressed in this press release are based on assumptions. Actual results may vary from those anticipated. This press release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at

End of ad hoc announcement

1155527  16-Dec-2020 CET/CEST


V-ZUG Holding AG / Key word(s): Half Year Results
V-ZUG Holding AG: Successful spin-off; improved operating result; strategic projects on track

17-Aug-2020 / 06:30 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Press release dated 17 August 2020

V-ZUG Group: Successful spin-off; improved operating result; strategic projects on track

Zug, 17 August 2020 - Despite impacts because of COVID-19 and extensive transformation projects, V-ZUG was able to maintain its leading position in Switzerland. Net sales increased marginally to CHF 258.6 million (previous year: CHF 257.7 million). At CHF 12.9 million, the operating result (EBIT) was significantly higher than in the previous year (CHF 3.7 million, or CHF 7.4 million when adjusted for the provisions for ground remediation work).

In the first half of 2020, the V-ZUG Group's cash flow from operating activities amounted to CHF 25.4 million (previous year: CHF -5.5 million), and free cash flow (after investment activities) totalled CHF -0.6 million (previous year: CHF -34.6 million). The equity ratio stood at 70.3% as at 30 June 2020.

The spin-off and listing of V-ZUG Holding AG on SIX Swiss Exchange on 25 June 2020 took place in challenging times. Not only is V-ZUG in the midst of a far-reaching transformation, but the first half of the year was also greatly impacted by COVID-19.

The transformation process is progressing. Key strategic projects such as the new refrigerator factory in Sulgen are on track, and the transition to V-ZUG AG's new ERP system is essentially complete.

Successful spin-off
The shares of V-ZUG Holding AG were traded on SIX Swiss Exchange for the first time on 25 June 2020. Under the spin-off and listing, Metall Zug AG shareholders were allocated one registered V-ZUG Holding AG share per type A registered share and ten registered V-ZUG Holding AG shares per type B registered share. Metall Zug AG retains around 30% of V-ZUG Holding AG shares as a strategic shareholding. The share price opened at CHF 72.00.

Improved operating result
The V-ZUG Group is reporting in two segments: "Household Appliances" and "Real Estate". Despite extensive transformation projects, V-ZUG was able to maintain its leading position in Switzerland. Net sales increased marginally to CHF 258.6 million (previous year: CHF 257.7 million). At CHF 12.9 million, the operating result (EBIT) was significantly higher than in the year-back period (CHF 3.7 million, or CHF 7.4 million when adjusted for the provisions for ground remediation work).

In the first half of 2020, the V-ZUG Group's cash flow from operating activities amounted to CHF 25.4 million (previous year: CHF -5.5 million), and free cash flow (after investment activities) totalled CHF -0.6 million (previous year: CHF -34.6 million). The equity ratio stood at 70.3% as at 30 June 2020.

Less affected by COVID-19 than anticipated
In the first half of 2020, the Household Appliances segment posted net sales of CHF 258.6 million (previous year: CHF 257.7 million). At CHF 11.5 million, the operating result (EBIT) was significantly higher than in the prior-year period.

The return to extremely reliable deliveries had a positive effect on business, particularly in Switzerland. V-ZUG was able to maintain its delivery capability at all times, even during the most stringent COVID-19 restrictions.

So far, the V-ZUG Group has not been as badly affected by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic as initially expected. Nevertheless, the impact on the company overall has still been serious. Many supply-related challenges have been successfully overcome, albeit with a huge amount of effort. The cancellation of trade fairs and the impossibility of carrying out sales support measures, such as consultancy in the ZUGORAMA showrooms and in customers' homes, reduced costs in the first half-year, but may also depress sales over the coming months. Short-time working had to be introduced for 60 to 80 employees in Switzerland for a two-month period. Most office staff worked from home for several weeks.

The COVID-19 safety measures that were introduced also had some impact on manufacturing productivity. Service & Support were able to fulfil their repair and servicing commitments at all times, while adhering to precautionary measures.

Progress with the V-ZUG brand in the international business
In the international business, the V-ZUG Group increased net sales in local currency in all markets with its own branch operations, generating net sales of CHF 24.3 million in the first half year of 2020.

Sales of the V-ZUG brand rose by 38.7% in the international business. However, OEM business in the United States was greatly reduced in the first half year due to COVID-19. Overall, this led to a decline in net sales of 3.5% in the international business. Significant progress in target markets indicates that V-ZUG is on the right track internationally.

With the opening of additional ZUGORAMAs in Beijing and Munich, V-ZUG is strengthening its position as a premium brand. The brand experience offered to customers in the showroom in Munich has been recognized with the "German Brand Award".

New pressing hall commences operation
Even after the spin-off, Metall Zug is continuing to oversee construction projects in Zug and Sulgen in its capacity as V-ZUG's representative. At the end of 2019, it handed over the new pressing hall to V-ZUG operations on schedule. In the period under review, V-ZUG has started to phase in production operations using the new press as planned.

The site allocation carried out in conjunction with the spin-off of the V-ZUG Group from Metall Zug Group has been completed. This has laid excellent foundations for productive collaboration within the Technologycluster Zug.

In the first half of 2020, the Real Estate segment posted an operating result (EBIT) of CHF 1.9 million, CHF 3.2 million more than in the same period of pervious year. It should be noted that provisions of CHF 3.7 million had to be posted in the previous year for ground remediation work.

Strategic projects on track
The construction of the new refrigerator factory in Sulgen is proceeding according to plan. In Zug, the new state-of-the-art pressing hall has commenced operations.

Further milestones have been achieved in the implementation of the digitalization strategy. The transition to the new ERP system has been completed. On this basis, ongoing optimizations will be incorporated into the processes.

Innovation: the new Adora dishwasher range receives the Plus X Award
An expert panel of representatives from 25 different sectors awarded the new Adora dishwasher range the Plus X Award in the categories of high quality, design, ease of use, functionality, ergonomics and ecology. This prize is presented to brands that focus on developing new, innovative technology, exceptional designs and smart yet straightforward operating concepts. (You can find out more about V-ZUG's innovations at

Sustainability as an integral part of the brand promise
Sustainability is an integral part of the V-ZUG brand and the corporate culture of the V-ZUG Group, and has been for many years already.

The Head of Sustainability is now leading a new interdisciplinary project team that is overseeing the implementation of defined measures. These measures are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and follow the "triple bottom line" approach - people, planet, profit.

To help customers to save energy, V-ZUG has for a long time committed itself to developing energy-saving appliances. For example, the energy consumption of the new Adora dishwasher range is 40% lower than that required for an A+++ energy rating.

One specific example of how V-ZUG is encouraging sustainable mobility is the mobility concept that was introduced in summer 2020 at the Zug site, which has over 1,000 employees. The mobility concept is intended to incentivize employees to make greater use of public transport when they travel to work. A car park management system has been introduced in parallel to this initiative.

The V-ZUG Group is committed to sustainable technology and production methods in all areas and is aiming to achieve CO2 neutrality at production facilities in Zug by 2021.

Board of Directors constituted
For its new phase as an autonomous company, V-ZUG Holding AG has re-formed its Board of Directors. Alongside Oliver Riemenschneider (Chair), Prof. Annelies Häcki Buhofer and Jürg Werner, the new members as of May 2020 are Prisca Hafner, Tobias Knechtle and Petra Rumpf. The Board of Directors is therefore composed of three women and three men, covering a wide range of expertise and displaying diversity.

New CEO as of 1 September 2020
Peter Spirig was appointed as CEO of the V-ZUG Group in March 2020. He will take over the role of CEO from Heinz M. Buhofer, who has held this post on an interim basis since 1 September 2019.

Key figures

in KCHF H1 2020H1 20191)Change
Net sales 258'633257'6720.4%
FX adjusted   0.7%
Operating result (EBIT) 12'9153'677251.2%
in % of net sales 5.0%1.4%360 bp
Net result 11'2752'746310.6%
in % of net sales 4.4%1.1%330 bp
Cash flow from operating and investing activities -640-34'638n/a
Cash and cash equivalents 65'14231'906104.2%
Total assets 514'268433'47418.6%
Shareholder's equity 361'554217'35266.3%
in % of total assets 70.3%50.1%2020 bp
Number of employees (FTE) as per 30.06. 1'9631'9520.6%
in KCHF    
Household Appliances    
Net sales 258'633257'6720.4%
FX adjusted   0.7%
Operating result (EBIT) 11'4835'053127.3%
in % of net sales 4.4%2.0%240bp
Real Estate     
Net sales    
Operating result (EBIT) 1'861-1'3762)n/a

1) Combined historical financial statements.

2) Contains a provision of CHF 3.7 million for soil remediation.


About the V-ZUG Group
V-ZUG is the leading Swiss brand for household appliances. Located in the heart of Switzerland, V-ZUG has been developing and producing kitchen and laundry appliances for over 100 years and offers a comprehensive service as well. In Switzerland alone, there are over 300 technicians working in the service business. As market leader in Switzerland, V-ZUG Group also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,000 people.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed on the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

Key dates

17 March 2021                                     Publication of the annual report
29 April 2021Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Further information

Adrian Ineichen
Chief Financial Officer
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03
Christof Gassner
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03

The press release is available at, the Half Year report at

Legal Notes
This press release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at

Additional features:

File: Press release (pdf)
End of ad hoc announcement

1118767  17-Aug-2020 CET/CEST


V-ZUG Holding AG / Key word(s): Personnel
V-ZUG Holding AG: Sandra Forster-Bernacchia has been appointed as the new Head Human Resources and Member of the Executive Board of the V-ZUG Group and takes up the position on 1 December 2020

11-Aug-2020 / 06:33 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Press release dated 11 August 2020

V-ZUG Group: Sandra Forster-Bernacchia has been appointed as the new Head Human Resources and Member of the Executive Board of the V-ZUG Group and takes up the position on 1 December 2020

Zug, 11 August 2020 - V-ZUG Holding AG has appointed Sandra Forster-Bernacchia as Head Human Resources and Member of the Executive Board.

Sandra Forster-Bernacchia takes up her position as Head Human Resources of the V-ZUG Group on 1 December 2020. Due to the new positioning and focus of V-ZUG as an independent, listed company the Head Human Resources will act as a Member of the Executive Board in the future, be responsible for the groupwide personnel policy and support important culture and transformation matters on an international level.

Sandra Forster-Bernacchia studied Law and Political Science at the University of Zurich (lic. iur.). She completed further education (CAS & MAS) in the field of Human Resources at ZHAW-IAP Zurich as well as an Executive MBA program at University of St. Gallen. Up until today Sandra Forster-Bernacchia is working as Head People & Culture at ISS Schweiz AG, Zurich, and is responsible for Human Resources and Culture as a Member of the Executive Board. Between August 2013 and July 2019, she was responsible for Human Resources and multiple international projects as Head Human Resources and Member of the Executive Board at Hilti (Schweiz) AG, Adliswil.

About the V-ZUG Group

V-ZUG is the leading Swiss brand for household appliances. Located in the heart of Switzerland, V-ZUG has been developing and producing kitchen and laundry appliances for over 100 years and offers a comprehensive service as well. In Switzerland alone, there are over 300 technicians working in the service business. As market leader in Switzerland, V-ZUG Group also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. V-ZUG Group currently employs around 2,000 people.

The holding company V-ZUG Holding AG is listed in the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange in Zurich (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).


Key dates

17 August 2020                    Publication of results for the first half of 2020
17 March 2021Publication of the annual report
29 April 2021Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders


Further information

Adrian IneichenChristof Gassner
Chief Financial OfficerHead of Corporate Communications & IR
Phone: + 41 58 767 60 03Phone: + 41 58 768 60 50

Legal Notes

This press release is published in German and English. The German version is binding. V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at:

The press release is available at

Additional features:

File: Press release (pdf)
End of ad hoc announcement

1113737  11-Aug-2020 CET/CEST

V-ZUG received a Gold Award in each of the product categories “Kitchen and Laundry” and the themed categories “Design”, “Innovation” and “Customer Service/Support”.

V-ZUG Holding AG / Key word(s): IPO
V-ZUG Holding AG: Spin-off of the Metall Zug Group and listing on SIX

25-Jun-2020 / 06:38 CET/CEST
Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Press release dated June 25, 2020

V-ZUG Group: Spin-off of the Metall Zug Group and listing on SIX

Zug, June 25, 2020 - The V-ZUG Group has been spun off from the Metall Zug Group. The shares of V-ZUG Holding AG will be traded on SIX Swiss Exchange from today, June 25, 2020. Metall Zug AG continues to hold around 30% of V-ZUG shares and remains an anchor shareholder.

Previously part of the Metall Zug Group, V-ZUG Holding AG, including its direct and indirect subsidiaries, has been spun off from the Metall Zug Group and will be listed on SIX Swiss Exchange today, June 25, 2020. Under the spin-off and listing, shareholders of Metall Zug AG were allocated one registered share of V-ZUG Holding AG per type A registered share and ten registered shares of V-ZUG Holding AG per type B registered share. Zürcher Kantonalbank is acting as Sole Lead Manager for this transaction.

Metall Zug AG continues to hold around 30% of V-ZUG shares as a strategic shareholding. In connection with this listing, a Shareholder Information Brochure (in German only) containing extensive information on the V-ZUG Group is available at

V-ZUG rises to the challenges

V-ZUG is a byword for innovation and quality. As the market leader in Switzerland, it enjoys an excellent reputation. To continue writing this success story in the future and harness the advantages that Switzerland offers as an innovation and production base, the V-ZUG Group initiated a far-reaching process of transformation over the past few years. The main priorities of the initiatives are:

  • Physical transformation of the Zug site to increase productivity per piece and per unit area;
  • Digitization and modernization of the software systems to improve internal and external processes;
  • Investments in platform technologies for a more efficient launch and production of new products;
  • Investments in internationalization to diversify sales.

Despite the additional efforts required to accomplish this far-reaching transformation, the V-ZUG Group has maintained its leadership position in Switzerland. The growth in international business is exceptionally high, up 31.4% year-on-year in 2019.

Today this transformation process is largely underway or has already been implemented. Key strategic projects such as the vertical factory and investments in platform technologies are well on the way. The V-ZUG Group is also committed to sustainable technologies and production methods in all areas and is aiming to achieve CO2 neutrality at production facilities in Zug by 2021.

As an independent, listed company, the V-ZUG Group can further strengthen and visibly position its brand as well as benefit from the additional strategic flexibility.

V-ZUG aims to secure sustainable success with strategic initiatives. The key goals are to further improve customer service efficiency with the support of digital solutions, to substantially increase international business sales, and to ensure that the V-ZUG brand continues to be made known as a premium brand in the relevant markets abroad.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

The V-ZUG Group has so far been relatively marginally affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The appropriate precautions put in place hampered manufacturing productivity and prevented sales-boosting measures such as the advisory services provided at the ZUGORAMA stores or to customers at home. On the other hand, work to remedy previously identified internal problems proceeded to plan during the transition to a new ERP. While the progress made in this area and the impact of COVID-19 are presently balancing each other out, it is impossible to estimate the further medium to long-term consequences of the pandemic.

Information to recipients of this press release

You are receiving this message plus future ad hoc information about V-ZUG Holding AG as a subscriber of ad hoc information about Metall Zug AG. If you no longer wish to receive ad hoc information about V-ZUG Holding AG, you can unsubscribe at any time.

Key dates

August 17, 2020 Publication of results for the first half of 2020
March 17, 2021 Publication of the annual report
April 29, 2021 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders


About the V-ZUG Group

V-ZUG is Switzerland's leading brand for household appliances. Located in the heart of Switzerland, V-ZUG has been developing and producing kitchen and laundry appliances for more than 100 years. As the market leader in Switzerland, the V-ZUG Group also markets its products in selected premium markets abroad. The V-ZUG Group offers an extensive service as well. In Switzerland alone, over 300 service technicians are on hand for the V-ZUG Group. The V-ZUG Group presently employs a staff of about 2,000.

V-ZUG Holding AG is listed on the Swiss Reporting Standard of SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich (securities number 54 248 374, ISIN CH0542483745, ticker symbol VZUG).

V-ZUG Holding AG processes personal data in accordance with its privacy statement available at:

Further information

Adrian Ineichen                                 
Chief Financial Officer                     
Phone: + 41 58 768 60 03                 

Christof Gassner
Head of Corporate Communications & IR
Phone: + 41 58 768 60 50

The press release is available at, the Share Information Brochure (in German only) in connection with the listing of the shares of V-ZUG Holding AG at and the analyst presentation at (English).

Additional features:

File: Press release (pdf)
End of ad hoc announcement

1077793  25-Jun-2020 CET/CEST


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