V-ZUG's steps towards a Friendly Work Space

The health and well-being of our employees is always our top priority, which is why we take a sustainable approach to promoting health in the workplace.

The health of V-ZUG’s employees has always been a top priority. Still, the question remains: What exactly does good occupational health management look like? “We wanted to reinforce our commitment in this arena, which is why we decided to become a certified Friendly Work Space,” explains Fabian Britschgi, Head of Health Management. The label has been awarded by Health Promotion Switzerland since 2009. It proves that recipients have implemented a systematic, quality health management strategy in their workplace. Companies are comprehensively assessed based on six main quality criteria, covering the planning, implementation, evaluation and integration of health management within the organisation. The foundation also evaluates how a company fulfils its social responsibility towards its other stakeholders in the area of health.

Results exceed V-ZUG’s expectations

Our site in Zug underwent a self-assessment based on the six quality criteria, with the evaluation being conducted in spring 2022 by two accredited experts. On a scale of 1 to 5, V-ZUG achieved a score of 3.91. “This is better than the average score achieved by first-time certification recipients and exceeds our own expectations,” states Britschgi with enthusiasm. This certification demonstrates our commitment to continuously evaluating and optimising our occupational health management. “V-ZUG is channelling a significant amount of resources into its occupational health management. The topic is visible throughout the company, which is further evidence of its unwavering commitment. From offices to production sites, all workstations are set up with health in mind. Employees are trained on how to use equipment and furnishings correctly, such as standing desks.” Sandra Bittel, Head of Occupational Health Management at Visana Services AG and Assessor at Friendly Work Space.

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