3 g rosemary
1 lemon
250 g butter
250 g sugar
20 g vanilla sugar
4 eggs
100 ml full cream
300 g plain flour
1 pinch of Salt
7 g baking powder
Розігріти робочу камеру до 170 °C Гаряче повітря вологе
Finely mix the rosemary with a blender. Wash, zest and juice the lemon.
Mix together with the rest of the ingredients for the cake to form a smooth cake mixture.
200 g raspberries
Grease the round baking tray with butter. Turn the cake mixture into the baking tray. Arrange the raspberries on top, pressing them down lightly into the cake mixture. Put the round baking tray on the wire shelf in the preheated cooking space. Bake.
Засунути страву для готування
Гаряче повітря вологе 170 °C протягом 30 хв
Icing sugar
Allow the cake to cool before dusting with icing sugar.
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