6 eggs
170 g sugar
100 g flour
70 g cornflour
70 g butter
Beat the eggs and sugar together until light and fluffy. Melt the butter and fold in. Combine the flour and cornflour, then sift into the egg mixture, folding in gently after each addition.
Розігріти робочу камеру до 180 °C Гаряче повітря вологе
Turn the mixture into the greased cake tin lined with baking paper. Place the tin on the wire shelf in the preheated cooking space. Bake.
Засунути страву для випікання
Гаряче повітря вологе 180 °C протягом 30 хв
Leave the baked Lamingtons to rest for 10 minutes. Afterwards, turn the sponge out onto a wire cooling rack, cover with a clean kitchen towel and leave to rest overnight.
110 ml water
50 g cocoa powder
400 g icing sugar
20 g butter
200 g desiccated coconut
Boil the water, then remove from the heat. Add the cocoa powder, icing sugar and butter and stir until smooth.
Cut the sponge into 3 cm cubes. Using a fork, dip the sponge cubes one at the time into the icing, roll in the desiccated coconut and then leave to rest for a couple of hours.
300 ml cream
250 g raspberries
Whip the cream and serve with the Lamingtons along with raspberries.
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