king prawns
100 g butter
450 g king prawns
Heat the butter until it turns a nut-brown colour. Sieve the butter through a coffee filter. Put the nut butter with the king prawns into a bag and vacuum seal on level 1. Place the bag in the cooking tray and into the cold cooking space. Steam.
Готування на парі 53 °C протягом 20 хв
Leek salad
400 g leek
Wash the leeks and cut them into 4 cm long julienne strips. Put them into a bag and vacuum seal it on level 2. Place the bag in the cooking tray and into the cold cooking space. Steam.
Засунути страву для готування
Готування на парі 86 °C протягом 20 хв
6 tbsp olive oil
4 tbsp lemon juice
A little lemon zest
1 tsp mustard
freshly milled, black
For the vinaigrette, stir all the ingredients together well. Add the warm leek and mix well.
Arranging on the plate
30 g hazelnuts
Coarsely chop and dry-fry the hazelnuts. Sear the cooked prawns briefly on both sides in a little nut butter from the bag. Season with salt.
Arrange the prawns on top of the leek salad and sprinkle over the dry-fried hazelnuts.
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