2 tbsp butter
6 eggs
200 g sugar
250 ml milk
500 ml cream
250 ml double cream
1 vanilla pod
Grease the dish generously with butter. Scrape the vanilla seeds out of the pod. Blend the eggs, sugar, milk, cream, double cream and vanilla seeds using a blender.
Розігріти робочу камеру до 180 °C Гаряче повітря вологе
1 baguette
about 260–350 g
Cut the baguette diagonally into about 24 thin slices and arrange in overlapping rows in the buttered porcelain dish. Slowly pour the egg and cream mixture over the arranged slices of baguette. Allow to stand until the bread has soaked up the mixture and is soft. Place the dish on the wire shelf in the preheated cooking space. Bake.
Засунути страву для випікання
Гаряче повітря вологе 180 °C протягом 38 хв
Icing sugar
Dust the baked bread 'n' butter pudding with icing sugar. Serve lukewarm.
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