1 veal shank (veal knuckle)
about 1.5 kg
½ tsp salt
4 tbsp oil
2 onions
4 cloves of garlic
½ celeriac
500 ml red wine
1 tin of peeled plum tomatoes
chopped (about 400 g)
4 bay leaves
1 sprig of rosemary
1 tbsp honey
Розігріти робочу камеру до 160 °C Гаряче повітря вологе
Peel and finely dice the onions, garlic and celeriac. Pull the rosemary needles from the sprig and chop finely.
Season the veal shank well with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a frying pan and sear the veal shank well on all sides. Put the veal shank in the porcelain dish.
Sweat the onion, garlic and celeriac until translucent, deglaze with red wine. Add the tomatoes, bay leaves, 2 tbsp rosemary and honey and bring to the boil. Scatter the vegetables over the top of the veal shank, then put the porcelain dish on to the wire shelf in the preheated cooking space. Cook.
Засунути страву для готування
Гаряче повітря вологе 160 °C протягом 2 годин 30 хв
Take the porcelain dish out of the cooking space, take the veal shank out of the cooking juices and keep it warm. Strain the vegetables and put them with the meat. Pour the cooking juices into a pan, reduce to the thickness of a syrup and drizzle over the veal shank.
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