Semolina dumplings
700 ml milk
200 g durum wheat semolina
½ tsp salt
For the semolina dumplings, mix the milk, salt and durum wheat semolina together in the smaller porcelain dish.
Put the porcelain dish on the wire shelf in the cold cooking space. Steam.
Steaming 100 °C for 15 Mins
50 g Parmesan
2 egg yolks
25 g butter
Incorporate the Parmesan, egg yolks, butter and nutmeg into the hot dumpling mixture. Leave to cool.
Lentil and vegetable mixture
2 carrots
200 g celeriac
prepared weight, corresponds to approx. half a celeriac
200 g leek
corresponds to approx. 1 small leek
2 onions
Peel the carrots and celeriac and cut into 4 cm long and 5 mm thick sticks. Remove the fibrous parts of the leek, cut it in half lengthways and then into strips. Peel, halve and cut the onions into fine rings.
240 g plum tomatoes
2 cm piece of ginger root
3 cloves of garlic
Take the plum tomatoes out of the tin and crush with a fork. Peel and finely slice the ginger and garlic.
100 g lentils
2 tbsp olive oil
Mix the vegetables, onions, plum tomatoes, ginger, garlic, lentils and olive oil together well in the larger porcelain dish and season generously.
Put the porcelain dish on the wire shelf in the cooking space while still warm. Steam.
Put the food in
Steaming 100 °C for 25 Mins
Take the vegetables out of the cooking space.
Appliance preheating
(Pre-)heat space to level 4 with Grill
50 g Parmesan
Using 2 tablespoons, form about 16 dumplings from the dumpling mixture and place them on top of the lentil and vegetable mixture. Sprinkle over Parmesan.
Put the porcelain dish on the wire shelf at level 3 in the preheated cooking space. Brown lightly.
Put the food in
Grill level 4 for 10 Mins
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