4 turnips
Parsnips can be used as an alternative.
4 carrots
1 celeriac
small (about 500 g)
15 potatoes
2 onions
3 cloves of garlic
Wash and peel the turnips, carrots and celeriac. Cut the celeriac into eighths, the carrots into thirds and the turnips into quarters. Peel and crush the cloves of garlic. Peel and quarter the onions. Wash the potatoes and mix together with the prepared vegetables.
1 bouquet garni
parsley, thyme, bay leaves, rosemary
1 leg of lamb
hind leg, boned and butterflied
4 cloves
Put half the vegetables into the bottom of the casserole dish, place the bouquet garni in the centre and lay the leg of lamb on top. Scatter the rest of the vegetables around the leg of lamb and add the cloves. Season with salt and pepper.
1 stock cube
chicken stock
1 l Water
3 tbsp honey
Bring the water to the boil, then add the stock cube and honey. Pour the stock cube and honey mixture over the leg of lamb. Top up with water (about 3–4 l) so that the leg of lamb and vegetables are completely covered.
Put the casserole dish on the wire shelf in the cold cooking space at level 1. Cook.
Hot air humid 160 °C for 3 Hrs
The vegetables can be varied according to what is in season.
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