Confit parsley roots with grape chutney and Brussels sprouts

The whole parsley root is used in this recipe: the skin is turned into crispy crisps, the roots are gently confit in olive oil and the pieces are added to the puree and jus. A grape chutney and Brussels sprouts round off the dish, bringing out the flavours of the parsley root in a sophisticated way.


1 hour 30 minutes

Resting time

2 hours

Cooking time

2 hours 15 minutes



CombiSteamer V4000 from 2021

Confit parsley roots

4 parsley roots (approx. 150 g each)

1 lemon

Peel the skin with a peeler

5 sprigs of thyme

8 peppercorns

500 ml olive oil

Parsley root cream

1 tbsp. olive oil

2 shallots

finely chopped

1 tart apple (e.g. Cox orange, approx. 50 g)

peeled, in pieces

50 ml dry white wine

150 ml vegetable stock

1 bay leaf

a little salt

a little pepper

Vegetable jus

300 g celeriac

in pieces

250 g carrots

in pieces

200 g leeks

in pieces

200 g onions

in pieces

125 g mushrooms


2 cloves of garlic

2 tbsp. vegetable oil

½ tsp salt

2 tbsp. tomato purée

350 ml red wine

1 tbsp. soy sauce

850 ml vegetable stock

2 tsp cornflour

2 bay leaves

4 juniper berries

4 allspice grains

2 cloves

1 sprig of rosemary

a little salt

a little pepper

20 g vegan alternative to butter

Grape chutney

200 g red seedless grapes


1 shallot

finely chopped

½ red chilli pepper

cored, finely chopped

1 tbsp. olive oil

40 ml sherry

40 ml port

40 ml balsamic vinegar

1½ tbsp. unrefined sugar

¼ tsp salt

½ tsp aniseed

roughly crushed

4 peppercorns

roughly crushed

¼ tsp mustard seeds

roughly crushed

Parsley root crisps

Sunflower oil for frying

Brussels sprouts

200 g Brussels sprouts


Salt water

for blanching

a little olive oil

1 pinch of fleur de sel

Confit parsley roots

Preheat the cooking chamber to 160 °C with hot air humid. Wash the parsley roots well, peel and cut off the ends. Keep the peeled skin for the crisps, set aside the trimmings for the vegetable jus. Cut 12 slices from the parsley roots, each approx. 2 cm thick. Set aside 300 g of the remaining parsley root pieces for the purée and use the rest for the vegetable jus. Place the parsley root slices, lemon zest, thyme and peppercorns in an ovenproof dish. Pour in the oil – the parsley roots should be completely covered. Slide the wire shelf into the preheated cooking chamber, carefully place the tin on top and cook for approx. 25 minutes until al dente. Remove and leave to cool in the oil.

(Pre-)heat cooking space to 160 °C with Hot air humid

Put the food in

Hot air humid 160 °C for 25 Mins

Parsley root cream

Cut the reserved parsley roots into small pieces. Heat the oil in a pan. Sauté the parsley roots and shallot for approx. 3 minutes until translucent, add the apple, sauté briefly, deglaze with white wine and simmer briefly. Pour in the vegetable stock, add the bay leaf and simmer gently for approx. 15 minutes. Remove the bay leaf, place the vegetables in a food processor, gradually add the liquid, puree to a smooth cream, season with salt and pepper, leave to cool, chill until ready to serve.

Vegetable jus

Preheat the cooking chamber to 230 °C with hot air and steam. Mix the vegetables and mushrooms with the olive oil on a baking tray lined with baking paper, season with salt. Place the baking tray in the preheated cooking chamber and bake for approx. 40 minutes. Remove, place the vegetables in a pan with the tomato puree, stir-fry for approx. 5 minutes. Pour in the red wine and soya sauce and reduce by half. Mix the stock and cornflour, add the spices and rosemary, bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for approx. 1½ hours. Pour the jus through a sieve lined with a sieve cloth into a wide pan, bring to the boil. Reduce the jus by half and season with salt and pepper.

(no pause)

(Pre-)heat cooking space to 230 °C with Hot air + steaming

Put the food in

Hot air + steaming 230 °C for 40 Mins

Grape chutney

Heat the oil in a pan. Sauté the grapes, shallot and chilli pepper over a medium heat. Add the sherry, port, aceto and unrefined sugar, bring to the boil. Add the salt and spices and simmer for approx. 5 minutes. Place the chutney in a small bowl and leave to cool.

Parsley root crisps

Preheat the cooking chamber to 65 °C with hot air. Heat the frying oil in a deep frying pan to 140 °C. Fry the parsley root peel set aside in batches until lightly coloured, drain on kitchen paper. Place the pre-cooked crisps on a baking tray lined with baking paper, place the tray in the cooking chamber and leave to dry for approx. 1 hour until the parsley root crisps are crispy. Remove and set aside.

(no pause)

(Pre-)heat cooking space to 65 °C with Hot air

Put the food in

Hot air 65 °C for 1 Hrs

Brussels sprouts

Blanch the Brussels sprouts in boiling salted water for approx. 3 minutes, transfer immediately to ice-cold water and drain. Place the Brussels sprouts on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Serving the dish

Preheat the cooking chamber to 230 °C with hot air and steam. Remove the parsley roots from the oil, place on the tray next to the Brussels sprouts, place in the preheated cooking chamber and roast for approx. 6 minutes. Remove, drizzle a little olive oil and fleur de sel over the Brussels sprouts. Place the parsley root cream in a small pan and warm. Pour the vegetable jus into a second pan and bring to the boil. Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the butter until the jus has a creamy consistency. Spoon 3 dollops of parsley root cream onto each plate. Place 3 slices of parsley root next to the crème dollops. Arrange 5 Brussels sprout halves and 5 grape halves around the dollops and slices. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of grape-chutney liquid in the centre of the plates, drizzle a little jus all around.

(no pause)

(Pre-)heat cooking space to 230 °C with Hot air + steaming

Put the food in

Hot air + steaming 230 °C for 6 Mins


Use the olive oil from the confit for salad dressings with a fine parsley root flavour or for cooking.

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