When you arrive at work each morning, you will start by planning your tasks for the day ahead while you wait for the fresh produce you have ordered to arrive. It will be your job to check that everything is of the requisite quality and that the quantity delivered matches the information specified on the delivery note and in the original order. Once it is all accounted for, you will get everything you need to hand to make the dishes you have planned and start preparing the ingredients. You will be required to demonstrate a variety of preparation methods, including steaming, braising, gratinating, grilling, sautéing and poaching. Lunchtime is always a busy time in our staff restaurant, but we never let the hectic pace stand in the way of following important regulations on hygiene, occupational safety, environmental protection and fire prevention.
Have you ever thought about how to create menus for a large number of guests and order the appropriate ingredients? Are you interested in learning how to present dishes beautifully and treating our employees to a whole host of culinary delights? Here at V-ZUG Ltd, we provide training that will take your career into the future.
The training lasts for three years. Throughout your apprenticeship, you will attend compulsory vocational school classes up to twice a week. You may also work towards your vocational school diploma (Berufsmatura) in parallel to your apprenticeship, after consulting V-ZUG Ltd.
Basic level of education (Volksschule; middle to upper stage of secondary school)
Keen ability to grasp new ideas
Ability to coordinate workflows
Creative, experimental mindset
Strong manual dexterity
Exceptional hygiene
Strong organisational skills
Passion for cooking and handling food

«As a child, I loved to cook for my parents. Now I enjoy putting a smile on our staff's faces with our varied dishes.» Sandro Iten, apprentice chef
Development opportunities
Courses Offered by professional associations, technical and vocational schools, and advanced vocational schools
Abridged basic training Dietary chef (EFZ), baker, pastry chef, confectioner (EFZ), meat specialist (EFZ), restaurant specialist (EFZ) or hotel specialist (EFZ)
Professional examinations (BP) Resulting in a federal vocational diploma as a chef or catering manager
Advanced technical examinations (HFP) Qualified chef; Qualified head of commercial catering; Qualified catering contractor
Advanced vocational school (HF) Diploma in Hotel Business Management; Diploma in Restaurant Management
University of applied sciences Bachelor of Science (FH) in Food Technology; Bachelor of Science (FH) in International Hospitality Management; Master of Science (FH) in Global Hospitality Business