Your tasks as an application developer include the development of software for our website at and the digitalisation of internal business processes. What’s more, you will also work closely with customers to identify requirements, develop innovative solutions, and implement these using the latest technologies. It goes without saying that you will be expected to test your solutions and continuously adapt them to meet customer requirements.
Have you ever wondered how a company’s website is programmed? Are you interested in finding creative solutions to meet the high demands of customers and employees alike? Here at V-ZUG Ltd, we provide training that will take your career into the future, with a focus on applications development.
The four-year training programme is divided into a basic training stage and an advanced training stage with a focus on application development. Throughout your apprenticeship, you will attend compulsory vocational school classes up to twice a week. You may also work towards your vocational school diploma (Berufsmatura) in parallel to your apprenticeship, which is strongly recommended by V-ZUG Ltd.
Basic level of education (Volksschule; upper stage of secondary school) with above-average grades
Very good grades in science and mathematics
Strong analytical and logical reasoning skills
Solid technical skills and a keen interest in technical trends
Team player with sound communication skills

"Flexible, diverse and future-oriented. I know that all doors will be open to me as a computer scientist after my apprenticeship. It fills me with pride to find the fruit of my work on the V-ZUG website." Laurin Bassler, IT apprentice
Development opportunities
Courses Offered by professional and vocational schools, universities, and various professional associations, as well as software and hardware suppliers
Professional examination (BP) Resulting in a federal vocational diploma as an ICT application developer, ICT system and network technician, business informatics specialist, media technician, or cyber security specialist
Advanced technical examination (HFP) Qualified ICT manager; Qualified ICT security expert
Advanced vocational school (HF) Courses in the field of information technology, commercial computer science, IT engineering, and more.
University of applied sciences Degree programmes in Computer Science, Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Bachelor’s degree in Business Information Systems