Inspirations. Pathways into the future through design, food, architecture and art.
The flavour of kindness
Since taking over the renowned restaurant Stucki in Basel fifteen years ago, Tanja Grandits has earned two Michelin stars with her unmistakable monochrome cuisine. But the monochrome touch is just one aspect of her culinary approach.
Inspiring personalities from the world of architecture, design and art discuss the future of spaces and objects in a fast-paced and ever-changing world.
Gabriel Castelló Pinyon on the V-ZUG Studios
In the middle of a retail revolution, physical showrooms are still a thing. This is why, in an increasingly digital world, V-ZUG commits to real life through the V-ZUG Studio – a place to experience the brand, interact with the products, and have inspiring conversations on food, design and new ways of living. We spoke with Gabriel Castelló Pinyon, Global Interior Art Director of V-ZUG.
A design story by Elisa Ossino: V-ZUG Studio Milano
An artful fusion of innovative technology and natural materials. Elisa Ossino’s vision for the new V-ZUG Studio Milano is inspired by poetic simplicity and the collaboration with artist and artisan HENRYTIMI.
The renowned Swiss architect, Valerio Olgiati, spends winters in Flims (GR, Switzerland) and summers in his “Villa Além” in the Portuguese region of Alentejo. In this interview, he explains what has led to his architecture becoming more radical.
Acclaimed chefs talk about their views on the role of food in our society now and in the future. They share their own culinary journey and reveal the recipes they love to cook at home.
Andreas Caminada about intuition and innovation
Andreas Caminada has been a V-ZUG Ambassador for 15 years, and like the Swiss-based manufacturer, he is celebrating an anniversary. In 2024, his legendary Michelin-restaurant, Schloss Schauenstein, turns 20. But Caminada is not nostalgic at all, because for him, the only thing that counts is looking ahead to the future.
For nearly two years now, Mammertsberg – a restaurant with a history spanning more than 100 years – has been run by Silvio Germann, Chef of the Year 2024, and renowned sommelier Giuseppe Lo Vasco. At the spectacular restaurant and hotel, located near Lake Constance, the two have created a culinary oasis and carved out a place themselves at the very top of the Swiss restaurant scene with a masterful combination of exquisite wines and refined dishes.
30 years old, 17 Gault Millau points, 2 Michelin stars. These are the lucky numbers of Dominik Hartmann, enfant prodige of the new Swiss fine-dining scene.
An aura of exception surrounds ten-time Michelin-starred chef Anne-Sophie Pic. But this self-taught chef can also reveal her fun and humble side, especially when she admits with a smile that she hasn’t always been able to cook like she can now.
Emmanuel Stroobant was 16 when he had ‘a calling’ while working in one of Belgium’s best restaurants, l’Hostellerie Saint-Roch. Despite his plans of becoming a lawyer, he ended up opening a restaurant in Liège and then moved to Australia, Malaysia, and Singapore.
In a world that needs purpose and connection more than ever, we share comforting recipes, meaningful insights from personal encounters and inspiring discussions around innovation, technology, values and skills, food and rituals.
The Gourmet Academy
It’s not often that you visit a company and are welcomed by the aroma of a freshly baked pie. But at V-ZUG headquarters this is a common occurrence if you have the chance to step into the Gourmet Academy, where the in-house team of chefs tests products, demonstrates to the customers how to use them, or prepares for the next event.
The season of joy is just around the corner – and anticipation is growing at spending time with our nearest and dearest and indulging in a few tasty treats. These new recipes for festive beverages and light bites range from traditional classics to creative new interpretations. Offering a taste sensation with every sip or bite, these creations are sure to put a smile on the face of those closest to you during the holiday season.
The growing awareness of sustainability, biodiversity, and the circular economy is transforming our environment. Designers, developers, architects, and other key players are increasingly faced with the challenge of creating spaces that contribute to both human wellbeing and ecological health. The central question is: How can a regenerative mindset spark innovation and drive positive change?
While skyscrapers and high-rises have long existed for living and working, the idea of a vertical factory is less common. Already a pioneer in urban manufacturing, V-ZUG is now launching a six-floor factory: the Zephyr Ost.
Creativity, agility, leadership, teamwork: these soft skills are often hailed as the keys to success in today’s marketplace. Yet, it’s when the abstract becomes tangible that a manufacturing company begins to thrive. A selection of objects and production tools found at V-ZUG’s headquarters, dating back from different eras of its history, remind us that ideas must take shape in order to become facts.
This year marks 111 years since V-ZUG’s foundation. To celebrate this unique anniversary, we’ve decided to prepare a special menu, collaboratively created by some of the most inspiring Swiss chefs and influenced by our country’s heritage.
In August 2022, Sandra Stöckli won the overall World Cup in paracycling. And that is just the most recent podium in a career that started more by fate than by choice.
During Milan Design Week 2023, V-ZUG and Monocle hosted a series of intimate conversations on the future of design and production. Headlined by top names in the design industry, the V-ZUG x Monocle Talk series unpacks how we can improve quality of life through circularity.
With Milan Design Week 2023 coming to a close, we asked Martin, our V-ZUG Head of Corporate Design and Gabriel, our Global Interior Art Director to share their personal highlights with us.
Fluxus – an installation by Elisa Ossino and Stefano Roveda
Elisa Ossino and Stefano Roveda curated an interactive art installation exploring the concept of circularity. On show at V-ZUG’s soon-to-open studio in the heart of Milan, the experiential artwork is inspired by the 65th anniversary of the brand’s iconic Adora washing machine. It represents the company's relentless activities to achieve a truly circular economy.
Explore with us the exciting world of the V-ZUG news. Through the work of architects, designers, chefs, artists and entrepreneurs, we explore pathways into the future. Let yourself be inspired by the beauty in every detail - from the latest product news and event impressions to exciting stories with interesting personalities.