Product testing and consulting for the Research & Development department
An important role of the Gourmet Academy is providing insight and testing to offer feedback on new products and features. Product engineers supply the Gourmet Academy with a prototype, which the team tests by cooking simple foods – like a sheet of puff pastry or a pie – observing how they react, how they caramelise on top and bake on the bottom, and assessing their consistency. Sometimes, it’s as straightforward as determining how many baguettes can fit in the oven chamber. “We do very simple things, but we’re highly critical in analysing the results,” says Lacroix. A prime example of this collaboration is the development of EasyCook, a feature of the Excellence Line combi-steamers designed to program the perfect setting for a dish to obtain perfect results, providing cooking tips and recommendations directly via the touchscreen. “We didn’t just provide our own input, we also reached out to international markets so each one could offer their perspective. That was incredibly interesting because it opens us up to regional and cultural preferences,” comments Lacroix. Indeed, adapting to cultural nuances and market-specific requirements is one of V-ZUG’s strengths.
This customer-oriented approach extends beyond product development. What makes the Gourmet Academy unique is its close relationship with customers, engaging with them both before and after purchase. By constantly demonstrating, conversing, and gathering feedback, the team gains firsthand insight into customer needs and preferences, which they then relay directly to the engineers. This bottom-up feedback loop is further facilitated by the Gourmet Academy’s physical proximity to the Research & Development studios and labs, which are just a short walk away.