Your training will see you assemble, maintain and repair electrical machines and equipment, as well as electronic appliances. You will also be tasked with producing electrical components, testing electrical appliances and putting these into operation. Further aspects of your role include making ready assembled appliances and equipment ready for operation, along with carrying out any necessary tests and adjustments as required. The tools of your trade will include screwdrivers, pliers, soldering irons and automatic equipment, as you throw yourself into troubleshooting and carrying out function checks of various machines and equipment. This will involve the use of the latest testing and measuring instruments. As soon as you have identified the cause of the fault, you will consult your supervisor and then proceed to rectify it. Not only will you use appropriate tools to replace faulty parts, but you will also carry out regular maintenance work on equipment that is in working order.
Have you ever wondered how assembly units and entire units of electrical or electronic appliances, machines and equipment are assembled? Are you interested in how test equipment and measuring devices work and are used? Here at V-ZUG Ltd, we provide training that will take your career into the future, with a focus on automation engineering and assembly.
The three-year training programme is divided into a basic training stage and an advanced training stage with a focus on the assembly, testing and maintenance of machines and equipment. Throughout your apprenticeship, you will have the opportunity to consolidate what you have learned across 12 different departments, all while attending compulsory vocational school classes up to twice a week.
Basic level of education (Volksschule; middle to upper stage of secondary school)
Good grades in mathematics
Understanding of technology and interest in technical relationships
Capacity for visual thinking
Manual dexterity

«To have assembled the appliances you have at home yourself and understand how they're constructed is unique.» Erfan Morzzafari, apprentice machine assembler
Development opportunities
Courses Offered by vocational and advanced vocational schools as well as professional associations such as Swissmechanic, Swissmem and VSAS Automation Engineer (EFZ) Automation assemblers can complete an abridged basic training programme to become an automation engineer (EFZ) (joining the 2nd year of basic training)
Professional examination (BP) Resulting in a federal vocational diploma as an automation specialist, project and workshop manager in switchgear construction, production specialist, or similar
Advanced technical examination (HFP) Master of switchgears and automation, industrial specialist
Advanced vocational school (HF) Diploma in Systems Engineering (specialising in automation); Diploma in Electrical Engineering; Diploma in Mechanical Engineering; Diploma in Computer Science
University of applied sciences (FH) Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Mechatronics