CombiSteamer V4000 from 2021

White chocolate & raspberry popcorn

80 g popcorn maize

100 g white chocolate

coarsely chopped

2 tbsp freeze-dried raspberries


2 pinches of salt

Preheat the cooking space to 230 °C using the hot air with steaming mode. Spread the popcorn maize on a lined baking tray. Put the baking tray into the preheated cooking space and then put the stainless steel tray, upside down, on the level above so that when the popcorn is cooking it stays between the two trays. Leave the popcorn maize to pop for about 10 minutes.

(Pre-)heat cooking space to 230 °C with Hot air + steaming

Put the tray in

Hot air + steaming 230 °C for 10 Mins

Add the chocolate to the popcorn on the warm baking tray, allow to stand briefly, sprinkle over the raspberries and salt, toss everything together well, take off the baking tray together with the baking paper, allow to cool briefly and then chill in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes.



V-ZUG Ltd.

