Freezer V4000 178N

This full-height, single-door freezer can be installed as a single unit or as a complement to one of V-ZUG’s fridges. It combines high-performance freezing technology with energy efficiency and appealing design.

Designs available

  • Fully integratable


CHF 2'380.00

Energy efficiency class

Energy efficiency class
  • Side-by-side solution

    The Cooler V4000 178K is the perfect complement to our premium Freezer V4000 178N. In combination, they make for a state-of-the-art side-by-side solution that caters to every need.
  • No defrosting required

    NoFrost technology prevents the build-up of ice inside the freezer and makes the unpleasant and tedious task of defrosting a thing of the past. Drawers can be comfortably opened and closed without ice getting in the way.
  • Fast freezing

    Increased cooling power and speed

    The fast freezing option produces a temporary boost in cooling performance and speed so that items stored after shopping freeze even faster.

  • NoFrost

    No more ice build-up

    NoFrost technology reduces the amount of ice build-up inside the fridge, which means there is no need to defrost it as often.

Product information

All of our Refrigerators come equipped with the NoFrost system. The automatic defrosting process that this sets off at regularly intervals means you don't have to perform this time-consuming job by hand.

Other settings

Quick freezing