Exclusive product

Our selected Exclusive Product Partners represent the highest level of consulting expertise and customer service in the field of upper-premium household appliances. These partners are distinguished not only by their deep understanding of the latest technologies and trends in the industry but also by their ability to develop tailored solutions for discerning customers.

At these partner showrooms, you can experience the CombiSteamer V6000 Grand, Supreme CombiCooler, Supreme WineCooler, and Refresh Butler firsthand and enjoy an exceptional customer experience.

3D Küchen AG St. Gallerstrasse 10 9470 Buchs SG T: +41 (81) 771 49 11 https://3dkuechen.ch/

OREA AG Pfingstweidstrasse 102B 8005 Zürich T: +41 (43) 204 01 40 https://www.orea-kuechen.ch

Poggenpohl Group (Schweiz) AG Wahligenstrasse 4A 6023 Rothenburg T: +41 (41) 921 31 55 https://www.poggenpohl.com/storelocator/poggenpohl-kuchenstudio-luzern

Rossi - Vuilleumier & Fils SA Grand-Rue 51 2608 Courtelary T: +41 (32) 944 15 35 https://rvsa.ch/

Bulthaup | La Cour du Mail Avenue du Mail 191205 Genève T: +41 (22) 328 02 40 https://www.lacourdumail.ch/bulthaup/