1 kg galia melon
1 kg watermelon
1 bunch of basil
2 lemons
Peel both melons and cut into equal-sized cubes. Place the melon cubes into two separate vacuum bags. Wash the basil. Zest and juice the lemons.
Into each vacuum bag put half a bunch of basil and the juice and zest of one lemon. Vacuum seal the bags on level 3. Leave them to chill in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
Olive oil
300 g feta
Fleur de sel
Take the melon cubes out of the vacuum bags and arrange them on a platter. Coarsely crumble the feta and scatter it over the melon cubes. Season with fleur de sel and drizzle over a little olive oil.
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V-ZUG Ltd.
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