¼ celeriac
1 carrot
½ head of fennel
1 sweet pepper
1 onion
½ leek
5 tomatoes
½ bunch of parsley
1 lemon
Peel and finely shave the celeriac and carrot. Wash, trim and finely shave the fennel. Wash the sweet pepper and leek and cut into fine strips. Peel and finely dice the onion. Wash, destalk and finely dice the tomatoes. Chop the parsley. Wash the lemon and cut into 1 cm thick slices.
(Pre-)heat cooking space to 160 °C with Hot air + steaming
2 gilthead seabreams
each about 350 g
1 tbsp butter
3 tbsp Olive oil
Put the vegetables and parsley in the porcelain dish and season well with salt and pepper. Wash the fish. Cut a pocket lengthways in each fish, stuff with slices of lemon and butter, season with salt and pepper. Lay the fish on top of the vegetables and drizzle with olive oil.
Put the porcelain dish on the wire shelf in the preheated cooking space. Cook.
Put the food in
Hot air + steaming 160 °C for 30 Mins
3 tbsp sherry vinegar
A milder vinegar can be used as an alternative.
Sprinkle vinegar on the cooked fish.
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V-ZUG Ltd.
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