2 aubergines
1 courgette
1 fennel
6 pascal celery stalks
400 g plum tomatoes
(Pre-)heat cooking space to 160 °C with Hot air humid
Wash and dice the vegetables. Put the aubergine in the bottom of the porcelain dish. Scatter over the courgette, fennel and celery. Layer the plum tomatoes over the vegetables. Put the porcelain dish on to the wire shelf in the preheated cooking space. Cook.
Put the food in
Hot air humid 160 °C for 45 Mins
100 g raisins
50 g pine nuts
3 sprigs of basil
3 tbsp Balsamic vinegar
5 tbsp olive oil
Soak the raisins in warm water. Toast the pine nuts and set to one aside. Chop the basil.
When the vegetables are done, add the raisins, pine nuts and basil to the vegetables and stir everything together well.
Drizzle over the olive oil and balsamic vinegar, season with salt and pepper and stir in gently.
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V-ZUG Ltd.
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