1.3 kg pork belly
skin on
2 tsp five-spice powder
1 tsp honey
2 pinches of salt
2 tbsp soy sauce
Rinse the pork belly under cold running water and pat dry with kitchen paper. Mix the honey and the soy sauce together and spread evenly over the pork belly. Rub the meat side with the five-spice powder and a little salt, but not the skin side.
Put the marinated pork belly into a vacuum bag, add the soy sauce and vacuum seal it on level 3. Place the bag on the wire shelf in the cold cooking space. Steam.
Vacuisine 62 °C for
for searing
After steaming, take the pork belly out of the bag and pat dry with kitchen paper. Next, place the pork belly, skin-side down, on the Teppan Yaki and, using a little oil, brown until golden and crispy.
Fill the water tank completely full with water before cooking.
The pork belly can also be cooked at 68 °C for 24 hours.
The pork belly can be seared on a piece of baking paper to prevent it from sticking to the Teppan Yaki.
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V-ZUG Ltd.
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