E-mail – invoice as a PDF directly to your e-mail address
You will receive invoices without delay straight to your e-mail inbox. E-invoices are a fast, efficient and environmentally-friendly way of sending invoices. Would you like to receive your invoices by e-mail in future? To ensure we set up the activation correctly at our end, please send the following details to [email protected] with the subject line "Paperless invoicing":
Customer number
Company name
Company address
E-mail address for receiving invoices as PDF files
Contact person: Name, telephone number, e-mail address (if different from the e-mail address entered above)
As soon as we have received your details, we will initiate the switch to sending invoices by e-mail. Once this is complete, we will send you a confirmation e-mail. From this point onwards, all invoices will be sent to you by e-mail.