Pumpkin soup, makes 8 servings
400 g pumpkin flesh
600 ml vegetable bouillon
40 g butter
1 onion
20 g flour
250 ml coconut milk
1 tbsp tikka masala paste
Salt, pepper
to taste
Peel the pumpkin and cut roughly into cubes. Peel and finely chop the onion. Mix all the ingredients in the porcelain dish or in any microwaveable bowl. Place the porcelain dish on the glass dish in the cold cooking space. Cook.
Hot air + steaming 230 °C for 20 Mins | PowerPlus level 10
Finely purée the hot soup and season with salt, pepper and tikka masala paste to taste. Pour the soup into 8 cups or ramekins that are suitable for freezing. Leave to cool and then freeze for at least 24 hours.
Bread dough, makes 4 servings
Prepare the bread dough 1½–2 hours before serving the soup.
600 g dark wheat flour
380 ml water
2 tsp salt
21 g fresh yeast
Mix the flour, crumbled yeast and water and knead for 6 minutes into a smooth dough. Add the salt, then mix for 2 minutes before kneading well for 5 minutes. Place the dough in a bowl, cover with a damp cloth and allow to proof at room temperature until it has doubled in volume.
Filling for bread pouches (x4)
(Pre-)heat cooking space to 210 °C with Hot air + steaming
1 apple
Peel the apple. Cut four thick slices (approx. 4 mm) without pips or a hole. Divide the dough into four equal portions (approx. 250 g). Roll out into a round (diameter 25 cm) on a floured surface.
Place a slice of apple in the middle of the dough. Place the frozen soup on top. Brush the edges of the dough with water. Gently pull the dough up around the frozen soup. Scrunch the edges together. Tie the bread pouch with cooking twine.
Place the four bread pouches in the lined glass dish. Put the glass dish into the preheated cooking space. Bake.
Put the pastry in
Hot air + steaming 210 °C for 10 Mins
Hot air + steaming 180 °C for 12 Mins | PowerPlus level 7
Hot air 180 °C for 8 Mins
pumpkin seed oil
pumpkin seeds
to taste
Remove the soup pouches from the cooking space and then leave to stand for 10 minutes. Cut off the tops before serving, garnish with pumpkin seed oil and pumpkin seeds.
For 8 servings double the quantity of bread dough. Four bread pouches can be filled and baked together.
The bread pouch recipe serves four, meaning that four bread pouches can be filled and baked together. The pumpkin soup recipe serves eight – the other four servings can be stored for use later to fill another four bread pouches.
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V-ZUG Ltd.
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