Starter dough
150 g white flour
150 ml water
1 knife tip of yeast
For the starter dough, mix all the ingredients together, then cover and allow to proof at room temperature for about 24 hours.
Tomato bread
600 g dark wheat flour
1½ tbsp salt
300 ml tomato juice
10 g yeast
3 tbsp olive oil
100 g tomatoes
50 g olives
black, pitted, halved
1 tbsp herbs
Italian, dried
olive oil
Cut the tomatoes into strips. Halve the olives. For the bread dough, mix all the ingredients with the starter dough and knead into a smooth dough. Cover and allow to proof for about 1½ hours.
(Pre-)heat cooking space to 230 °C with Hot air + steaming
Turn the dough into a cake tin that has been greased with olive oil, dust the top with flour and score with a knife. Put the cake tin on to the wire shelf in the preheated cooking space. Bake.
Put the food in
Hot air + steaming 230 °C for 15 Mins
Hot air 200 °C for 35 Mins
Turn the bread out of the tin and allow to cool on the wire shelf.
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V-ZUG Ltd.
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