50 g butter
60 g sugar
100 g flour
4 eggs
Melt the butter. Whisk together the melted butter, sugar, flour and eggs. Slowly incorporate the milk and whisk everything together well.
Place a square baking tray into the cooking space to preheat.
(Pre-)heat cooking space to 180 °C with Top/bottom heat
200 ml milk
for greasing the baking tray
for dusting
600 g cherries from Zug
Grease the round baking tray with butter and dust with a little flour. Place the cherries on the baking tray and pour over the mixture. Place the round baking tray on to the hot baking tray and into the preheated cooking space. Bake.
Put the pastry in
Top/bottom heat 180 °C for 25 Mins
15 g icing sugar
Allow the clafoutis to cool down before dusting with icing sugar.
This recipe also works with other stone fruit such as apricots, peaches and plums.
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V-ZUG Ltd.
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