Legal information

V-ZUG Ltd Industriestrasse 66 6300 Zug Switzerland Tel. +41 58 767 67 67 E-mail [email protected]

Scope of application and validity Unless otherwise stated on the website, on individual web pages or in connection with other components, V-ZUG Ltd, Industriestrasse 66, 6300 Zug, Switzerland, is the operator of this website ("operator"). The provisions below apply to accessing and using the V-ZUG Group website (, web pages and other components. These provisions may be changed by the operator at any time and are valid in the current version.

Disclaimer The operator offers no guarantee as to the up-to-dateness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. No claims may be lodged against the operator relating to damages, whether material or non-material, arising from the use, non-use, delayed or lack of availability of the information provided and/or from the use of erroneous or incomplete information, subject to mandatory provisions of applicable law. Access to and use of the website and its components and the backup or archiving of transmitted data are not guaranteed. The operator specifically provides no guarantee that the content offered on is free of viruses, worms, Trojans or other malware. To the extent permitted by law, no liability is accepted for direct, indirect or consequential damage suffered by users or third parties as a result of using this website.

References and links In the case of direct and indirect references to third-party websites (links) for which V-ZUG Ltd is not responsible, V-ZUG Ltd shall only be liable if it is aware of the content and if it were technically possible and reasonable for it to prevent the use of any illegal content. V-ZUG Ltd hereby expressly declares that no illegal content was identifiable on the linked sites at the time the links were created. The author has no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked/referenced sites. Accordingly, V-ZUG Ltd hereby dissociates itself from any content of any linked/referenced site that has been changed since the link was created. Liability for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content, and particularly for damage arising from the use or non-use of such information, lies solely with the provider of the linked site and not with the party that merely provides the link to the content in question.

Intellectual property and other rights Everything that you read, hear or see on is protected by copyright and may only be used to the extent defined here or permitted by law. Apart from this permissible use, no further rights to materials protected by copyright are transferred – either by V-ZUG Ltd or by third parties. The full or partial reproduction, electronic or conventional communication, modification or use of content for public or commercial purposes requires the written consent of V- ZUG Ltd. References/links to our sites also require the written consent of V-ZUG Ltd.

Rating of products, services and recipes V-ZUG Ltd reserves the right to delete any comments that it deems sexist, racist or in violation of personal or other legal rights. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the exclusion of comments and ratings.