Starter (poolish)
200 ml water
1 tsp runny honey
¼ yeast cube (about 10 g) or 3 g dried yeast
200 g Manitoba flour (type 0)
For the main dough
225 ml cold water
500 g Manitoba flour (type 0)
20 g fleur de sel
50 ml cold water
Some Manitoba flour (type 0) for shaping
Some olive oil
Starter (poolish)
Put the water, honey and yeast into a sealable container and stir together well. Add the flour and stir to a sticky dough. Cover the dough and leave to rest at room temperature for about 1 hour, then leave to rest in the refrigerator for about 18 to 24 hours.
For the main dough
Pour the water into a large mixing bowl, add the starter and stir well. Add the flour and mix in until just combined. Add the salt, turn the mixture out onto a work surface and knead by hand for about 5 minutes until a sticky dough forms. Knead for about another 5 minutes, gradually adding the remaining water. Shape the dough into a ball using a dough scraper, cover with the upside-down mixing bowl and leave to rest for about 15 minutes.
Shaping and folding
Use the dough scraper to gently ease the dough from the work surface and then with lightly oiled hands pick up the dough in the middle so that it comes away from the work surface. Slap the dough back down onto the work surface while turning the dough over slightly in one smooth motion so that the two ends lie on top of each other. Repeat this process until a compact ball of dough forms. Each time it is picked up, the ends become shorter and the dough more compact. Lightly oil the mixing bowl, place the ball of dough in it, cover and leave to rest for about 1 hour.
Place the dough on the work surface. Lightly brush the top of the dough with oil and divide into four portions. Shape these into compact balls, making sure the oiled top side faces upwards and the bottom stays closed. Place the balls, top-side up, on a baking tray or in a proofing box. Lightly brush the top of the pieces of dough with oil again, cover and leave to rise at room temperature for about 1 hour.
Put the tray in
(Pre-)heat cooking space to 280 °C with PizzaPlus
Appliance preheating
Put some flour in a deep plate. Gently remove the first piece of dough using the dough scaper and coat generously in flour. Place the piece of dough, again top-side up, on the work surface. Using fingers, press the dough from the centre outwards to form an outer crust. Turn the dough over, work it again from the centre outwards, then turn it back over. Place one hand in the centre of the dough and use the other to carefully stretch it outwards, turning the dough slightly each time, to get the desired size (about ø30 cm).
Topping and baking
Top the pizza dough with toppings of choice, carefully but quickly slide the pizza onto the pizza peel, transfer straight onto the preheated pizza steel and bake for about 5 minutes until crispy. Repeat this process with the other three pieces of dough. Allow the pizza steel to heat up for about 2 minutes between baking the individual pizzas.
PizzaPlus 280 °C for 5 Mins
Manitoba flour (type 0) is available from larger supermarkets and Italian delicatessens. Its high protein content makes it particularly suitable for making pizza dough. Pizza flour can also be used instead of Manitoba flour.
Important: Prepare and bake only one pizza at a time or else the dough will become too soft and the topping will make it too moist. It will also be difficult to slide onto the pizza peel.
If the dough is a little too sticky, sprinkle some durum wheat semolina or semolina on the work surface before shaping.
Only ovens that can reach a temperature of at least 280 °C are suitable for baking the thin Neapolitan pizza.
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V-ZUG Ltd.
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