Vanilla sauce

cooked with Vacuisine


10 minutes

Cooking time

30 minutes



CombiSteamer V4000 from 2021

Vanilla sauce

150 ml cream

150 ml milk

1 egg

1 egg yolk

1 tsp cornflour

50 g sugar

½ tsp vanilla seeds

Vanilla sauce

Stir all the ingredients together well in a measuring jug, then put into a vacuum bag. Vacuum seal the bag, as described in the operating instructions, and steam on a perforated stainless steel tray at 84 °C for 30 minutes using the Vacuisine mode.

Shake the bag vigorously after steaming. Serve the sauce warm or cold.

Cooking steps

Vacuisine 84 °C for 30 Mins

Additional information

Recipe number


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V-ZUG Ltd.

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