30 minutes


28 minutes



Combair SE from 2015

Vegetable topping

1 tbsp clarified butter

150 g champignons

1 onion

100 g leek

150 g savoy cabbage

100 ml vegetable bouillon



Finely slice the champignons. Peel and finely chop the onion. Cut the leek in half, wash and cut into thin strips. Wash the savoy cabbage, remove the tough ribs and cut the leaves into fine strips.

Warm the clarified butter in a pan. Add the champignons and fry briefly.

Add the onion, leek and savoy cabbage and fry while stirring briskly.

Pour in the bouillon and leave to simmer for about 4 minutes. Season the vegetables with salt and pepper and put aside.


1½ kg pumpkin

e.g. moschus or butternut

1 clove of garlic

1½ tbsp olive oil



Peel the pumpkin and cut into around 8 slices, each approx. 1.5 cm thick (weight of prepared pumpkin about. 800 g).

(Pre-)heat cooking space to 200 °C with Top/bottom heat damp

Cover the baking tray with baking paper and place the slices of pumpkin on it.

Peel and crush the garlic and then mix it with the olive oil. Brush the slices of pumpkin with the oil and garlic. Season with salt and pepper.

Put the baking tray into the preheated cooking space. Cook.

Put the food in

Top/bottom heat damp 200 °C for 25 Mins

Take the baking tray out of the cooking space.


(Pre-)heat space to level 5 with Grill

8 tbsp cheese

Gruyère, grated

Scatter the vegetables that were put aside over the pumpkin slices and then sprinkle over the cheese.

Put the baking tray into the preheated cooking space at level 3. Bake.

Put the food in

Grill level 5 for 3 Mins

Serve the pumpkin slices immediately with, for example, risotto.


Any leftover pumpkin can be used for soup or gratin.



V-ZUG Ltd.

