3 chicories
50 g cherry tomatoes
150 g Gorgonzola
After removing the outer leaves, cut the chicories into quarters or eighths lengthways. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Crumble the Gorgonzola or cut it into small cubes.
(Pre-)heat cooking space to 180 °C with PizzaPlus
1 egg
100 ml full cream
½ bunch of parsley
Chop the parsley. For the filling, whisk the egg, stir in the cream and parsley, then season with salt and pepper to taste.
1 shortcrust pastry
rolled-out round
Cover the round baking tray with baking paper and put the pastry on it. Prick it several times with a fork. Set the chicories in the pastry case, in a shape resembling the spokes of a bicycle wheel, place the cherry tomatoes and Gorgonzola between the chicory pieces, then pour over the filling.
Put the round baking tray on to the wire shelf in the preheated cooking space. Bake.
Put the pastry in
PizzaPlus 180 °C for 45 Mins
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V-ZUG Ltd.
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